No man loves his fetters, be they made of gold
Оковы никто не любит, будь они хоть из золота.
Золотая клетка соловью не потеха. Больной и золотой кровати не рад.
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- An unfortunate man would be drowned in a teacup
- Love is blind, as well as hatred
- To wear one's heart upon one's sleeve
- Nothing is impossible to a willing heart
- For the love of the game
- Nothing succeeds like success
- Judge not of men and things at first sight
- Men may meet but mountains never
- Love in a cottage
- Salt water and absence wash away love
- Blind men can judge no colours
- Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
- He that serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages
- To measure another man's foot by one's own last
- Children are poor men's riches