I Have Always Loved You

текст песни No Mercy

Since the beginning of time
Since it started to rain
Since I heard your laugh
Since I felt your pain
I was too young
You were much younger
We were afraid
Of each other's hunger
I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby
I have always loved you
Since we kissed the first time
Since we slept on the beach
You were too close for comfort
You were too far out of reach
You walked away
I should have held you
Would you have stayed
For me to tell you
I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby
I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go our seperate ways
I never stop dreaming of you

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