The Night Masquerade

текст песни Dimmu Borgir

A scarlet sunset
the threshold to nightplay
A sinful oath is to be sworn
A becoming bloodlust
among to seekers
Tyrranic hunger yearns

A gathering in flames and fires-
Devil„§s daughters dance
Scourged in filth, obscene and lewd-
Longing for a dark desires

The nocturnal beast appears
in an evil despotic shape
Expectant watching gracelessy
before demanding the sluts of lust
(the Beast: )
"Come forth harlots, let„§s begin!"

(the Beast approaches: )
"Rise and give praise in front of Me
and receive eternal life from Me!
Welcome my spirit in honor of Me!
So drink of the blood I provide you
and you shall all forever wander in
the shadows of death ... !"

(the chanting whores: )

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