
текст песни Destruction

It began about half a century ago
with the foundation of the hopeless empire of 1000 years
Commanded by a ruler of cruelty
a nation captivated by idealism
Why do we take the reponsibility
of his insanity
although we?ve never asked for that legacy ?
Incriminated - no forgiveness
Incriminated - no forgiveness
Indescribeable, inhuman greed for power
supported by fanatics under his spell
Obsessed by his aim to wipe out non-arayans
he rushed millions of people into desaster
Why do we take the reponsibility
of his insanity
although we?ve never asked for that legacy ?
Incriminated - no forgiveness
Incriminated - no forgiveness
More than 40 years after his predestined fall
we still got to take the responsibility

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