move heaven and earth (to do something)
сделать всё возможное, пустить всё вход
Пример использования идиомы move heaven and earth (to do something):
Mark was ready to move heaven and earth to get Steve out of the way.
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Другие идиомы:
- move to (do something)
- move up (in the world)
- move in on (someone or something)
- move into (something)
- move the goalposts
- make a monkey out of (someone)
- make a mountain out of a molehill
- make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
- monkey around with (someone or something)
- monkey business
- monkey on one's back
- monkey see, monkey do
- more fun than a barrel of monkeys
- make a clean breast of (something)
- make no bones about (something)