get into a stew over (someone or something)
беспокоиться или волноваться из-за кого-либо/ чего-либо
Пример использования идиомы get into a stew over (someone or something):
"You needn't get into a stew over your daughter's absense. She'll call you as soon as she can."
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Другие идиомы:
- get rolling
- get a foothold (somewhere)
- get an earful
- get one's just deserts
- get a bright idea
- get the benefit of the doubt
- get (something) over with
- get a grip of oneself
- get oneself into a stew over (someone or something)
- get a dirty look from (someone)
- get the red-carpet treatment
- get (someone) out of one's hair
- get the boot
- get one's rear in gear
- get on one's high horse