Идиомы на букву R

  • raise a fuss
    устроить скандал, поднять шум
    Miss Muffed likes raising a fuss over trifles.
  • raise a hand
    пошевелить рукой (чтобы помочь), делать часть работы
    Jordan didn't raise a hand to do his share of the work, so I had to do everything all by myself.
  • raise a hand against (someone or something)
    поднять руку на кого-либо \ что-либо
    Jordan raised a hand against his wife's precious possessions, and she decided to punish him.
  • raise a stink about (something)
    поднимать вопрос, шумиху из-за чего-либо
    The dog owners raised a stink about the new pet tax.
  • raise an objection to (someone or something)
    выражать своё несогласие кому-либо, возражать против чего-либо
    Theodor raised an objection to the coach about including Jordan in our football team.
  • raise Cain
    поднимать невероятный шум, орать; дебоширить
    The soldiers sang songs and shouted and raised Cain to pass the long hours of the night.
  • raise eyebrows
    вызвать чьё-либо неодобрение
    Ron raised eyebrows when Steve failed to complete his job in time.
  • raise havoc with (someone or something)
    создавать неразбериху, нарушать что-либо
    The storm raised havoc with our plans to go boating.
  • raise hell with (someone or something)
    устроить скандал кому-либо, учинить разнос из-за чего-либо
    When my dog ran into my neighbor's garden, Wanda Lee, my neighbor, raised hell with me.
  • raise its (ugly) head
    снова возникнуть, поднять голову (о какой-либо проблеме)
    The problem of cockroaches in our apartment raised its ugly head again.
  • raise one's sights
    ставить перед собой цель
    I did pretty well at my final exams, and now I am raising my sights on getting a good job.
  • raise one's voice to (someone)
    накричать на кого-либо
    My mother always raises her voice to anyone when she is angry.
  • raise the ante
    поднять, увеличить ставку (ставка – деньги на кону перед началом игры)
    The Chief Executive had to raise the ante when he decided to cancel the contract with the shipbuilding company.