Идиомы на букву M
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mess around/about
тусоваться, бездельничать"I can't understand Dave; the guy is always messing around doing nothing."
mess up
испортить, доставлять неприятностиJenny messed up her chance to get a good job by refusing to go to an interview.
Missing In Action - пропавший без вестиThere are a few hundred MIA soldiers in Afghanistan.
middle of the road
(человек) избегающий крайностей, умеренныйAda's friend is a fashion designer and her ideas are very middle of the road.
might as well
с таким же успехомJohn was not listening to me; I might as well be talking to a wall.
milestone in someone's life
очень важное событие в чьей-либо жизниThe birth of her baby was a milestone in the young woman's life.
milk (someone) for (something)
давить на кого-либо с целью получения чего-либоMike is a regular Gigolo and he is milking women for as much money as he can.
milk of human kindness
сострадание, доброта, сердечностьMy Grandmother has always been full of the milk of human kindness; everybody likes her.
million and one
очень много, миллион (дел)I had to do a million and one things before my birthday party.
million dollar question
важный, но трудный вопросThe million dollar question for them was whether to move their business to Chicago or not.
million miles away
быть рассеянным, мечтательнымI made an attempt to talk Vivian into joining us, but I saw that she was a million miles away and I gave it up.
millstone around (someone's) neck
обуза, ярмо на чьей-либо шееJeffrey Jones has a handicap, but it is not a millstone around his family's neck; he is able to earn his own money.
mince (one's) words
говорить нечётко, "жевать слова"The speaker was mincing his words and it was difficult to understand him.
mind goes blank
провал в памятиI tried to remember the girl's name, but alas my mind went blank.
mind is buzzing
думать о многих вещах сразуAnn's mind was buzzing after she left the conference room.
mind is in the gutter
разговор на шокирующую темуSam enjoys shocking people; his mind is often in the gutter and nobody likes to talk to him.
mind is on (something)
постоянно думать о чём-либоMy mind has been on my final exams all month.
mind one's manners
уметь держать себя, иметь хорошие манерыSusan reminded her son to mind his manners while they were having dinner in the restaurant.
mind one's own business
не вмешиваться в чужие делаMy friend tried to interfere in my private affairs, but I politely asked him to mind his own business.
mind one's P's and Q's
соблюдать осторожность (в речи, поведении), соблюдать приличияYou should always mind your P's and Q's and not say anything to offend people.
mind over matter
нет ничего невозможногоIt is mind over matter. If Helen really wants to succeed as an actress, she will be able to do it.
mind the store
заботиться о чем-либо (доме, хозяйстве)I don't like to stay home to mind the store when the rest of the family goes away for the weekend.
Mind you
имейте в виду"Mind you, I will do the job only if it's urgent. If it's not, I won't stay at work after office hours."
ошеломляющий, поразительныйThe amount of books in that book store is mind-boggling.
ужасно скучныйThe lecture was not interesting at all; it was mind-numbing.
mine of information
неистощимый источник, кладезь информацииSam is very knowledgeable; he is a gold mine of information in various fields.
mineral rights
права на разработку минеральных ресурсовThe oil company owns all of the mineral rights in this area.
miscarriage of justice
ошибка правосудияEverybody was sure that the light sentence the burglar received was a miscarriage of justice.
misplace one's trust in (someone)
довериться человеку, не заслуживающему доверияCora misplaced her trust in the wrong man; she soon discovered that he didn't deserve it.
miss by a mile
сильно промахнутьсяThe footballer appeared to be almost certain to score a goal but in fact he missed by a mile.
miss out on (something)
потерять возможностьIf you do too much sport, we will miss out on other joys of life like books and cultural events.
miss the boat
потерять возможность"Tell Joanna that she'd better get ready quickly or else she will miss the boat and not see this wonderful drama at the theatre."
miss the cut
не соответствовать требованиямAt first this chess player was successful, but soon he missed the cut and could not take part in the next tournament.
miss the point
не понять важность чего-либоThis is the most important part of the story, but I think most of the students have missed the point.
mistake (someone) for (someone) else
ошибочно принять кого-либо за кого-либоThe man started to talk to me, but then he stopped. Evidently he had mistaken me for somebody else.