Идиомы на тему Leg and Foot

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  • have a hollow leg
    быть в состоянии много есть и пить
    Tim is very fat; he definitely has a hollow leg.
  • stand on one's own two feet
    быть независимым, прочно стоять на ногах
    Joe has a useful job and earns his own money, so he stands on his own two feet.
  • get one's sea legs
    привыкнуть к чему-либо (например, к движению корабля)
    I couldn't get my sea legs on board the ship for a long time.
  • with one's tail between one's legs
    испугаться или струсить, "поджать хвост"
    The boss told Mike to get out, and the latter left the office with his tail between his legs.
  • set foot (somewhere)
    ступать куда-либо, входить
    Mike took offence and said he would never set foot in my house again.
  • keep one's feet on the ground
    твёрдо стоять на земле
    My Uncle Tom has always kept his feet on the ground, and he is quite successful in his job.
  • under (someone's) feet
    (путаться) у кого-либо под ногами
    "Get lost! I don't want you to be under my feet while I am working."
  • make one's toes curl
    чувствовать себя неловко
    Rick said something unpleasant and it made my toes curl.
  • think on one's feet
    думать о чём-либо мимоходом
    "This is a very serious matter; I don't want you to think on your feet."
  • shoot oneself in the foot
    сделать ошибку или принять глупое решение
    Nick shot himself in the foot when he decided to invest into a Canadian Oil company.
  • sweep (someone) off his or her feet
    вызвать чей-либо восторг, поразить, потрясти
    When I saw my favorite singer appear on the stage, it swept me off my feet.
  • footloose and fancy-free
    вольный, свободный от обязательств
    It's good to be footloose and fancy-free so that you can do whatever you want.
  • balls of one's feet
    подушечки на ступне (около пальцев)
    I have been walking all day that's why the balls of my feet are very sore.
  • take to one's heels
    убегать, удирать
    The boys were stealing apples from the garden and took to their heels when they saw the owner approaching them.
  • feet of clay
    скрытый недостаток или слабость
    Paul Copperfield has feet of clay and may not last very long in his new position of a manager.
  • on one's feet
    быть на ногах
    Kelly has been very busy; she has been on her feet since early morning.
  • get a foothold (somewhere)
    получить отправную точку, начать (где-либо)
    The new construction company got a foothold in a medium-sized town.
  • take a load off one's feet
    сесть и отдохнуть
    "Come in and sit down. Take a load off your feet."
  • down-at-the-heels
    плохо, бедно, неряшливо одетый
    The bag lady sitting on a bench in the park was down at the heels.
  • on foot
    Silvia always goes to work on foot because she lives within a walking distance from her office.
  • dig in one's heels
    отказываться изменить курс действия или своё мнение
    The electrical company disrupted the negotiations and dug in their heels against any improvements.
  • start off on the wrong foot
    плохо начать (какую-либо деятельность или отношения с кем-либо)
    I can admit that I started off on the wrong foot with my in-laws.
  • tail between one's legs
    быть пристыженным или побеждённым
    Steve had boasted he would win the tournament, but he went home with his tail between his legs.
  • get a toehold (somewhere)
    получить точку опоры, поддержку где-либо
    They have been able to get a toehold in the car market.
  • drag one's feet/heels
    медлить, мешкать
    "I don't think you should be dragging your feet about whether to take part in the conference or not."
  • play footsie (with someone)
    флиртовать с кем-либо (прикасаться к ногам под столом)
    Nick was trying to play footsie with me during our dinner in the restaurant.
  • on (something's) last legs
    изношенный, "на ладан дышит"
    Our TV set is on its last legs, so we are going to buy a new one soon.
  • at one's heels
    прямо позади, по пятам
    I turned round and saw a man who was close behind me, right at my heels.
  • charley horse
    спазм, судорога
    Collin often gets a charley horse after running too much.
  • light on one's feet
    быть лёгким на ногу
    My Aunt Polly is almost seventy, but she is still light on her feet.
  • throw oneself at (someone's) feet
    унижаться перед кем-либо, каяться
    I knew I was guilty, but I was not going to throw myself at my friend's feet.
  • go toe-to-toe with (someone)
    стараться победить кого-либо в борьбе, споре, соревновании
    Sandra went toe-to-toe with her neighbor about the neighbor's dog.
  • turn on one's heel
    круто повернуться
    Jonathan turned on his heel and dashed out of the room.
  • bring (someone) to heel
    заставить слушаться кого-либо
    When John was sixteen, he thought he could do as he pleased, but his father cut off his allowance, and this brought John to heel.
  • step/tread on (someone's) toes
    задеть чьи-либо чувства, "наступить на чью-либо любимую мозоль"
    Stephan managed to step on his friends' toes and that turned his friends into his enemies.