Идиомы на тему Business

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  • work overtime
    работать сверхурочно
    I had been working overtime almost every day last month before I finished the design of the office building.
  • gain ground
    делать успехи, продвигаться вперёд
    At first it seemed a very difficult job, yet little by little I gained ground.
  • face value (of something)
    номинальная стоимость
    The face value of the new computer was not very high.
  • put one's nose to the grindstone
    трудиться без отдыха, без передышки
    Joe put his nose to the grindstone and worked all day in his garage, repairing his car.
  • hold a meeting
    устраивать собрание
    It was announced that the apartment owners would hold a meeting next week.
  • number cruncher
    Miss Adams is a good number cruncher and she likes to work with numbers.
  • fill the bill
    как раз то, что нужно
    The information I received will fill the bill for what I need to finish the article.
  • close the books
    прекратить принимать наряд-заказ
    The company closed the books at the end of the year.
  • take on (an employee)
    нанять, взять кого-либо на работу
    Fanny's luck held; they took her on at $ 500 a week.
  • in the loop
    работать вместе с другими работниками
    Jim began to work on his own and was no longer in the loop at the company.
  • go belly up
    The small printing company had a lot of financial problems; no wonder they went belly up a few months ago.
  • buy off (someone)
    подкупить кого-либо, откупиться
    The criminal's friends tried to buy off the judge but they were not successful.
  • cut a deal
    договориться, устроить сделку
    We had to cut a deal with the contractor before the construction workers started to add on another room in our house.
  • lay (something) on the table
    представить что-либо для обсуждения, изложить свои соображения
    Lionel saw all the drawbacks of the project and felt it his duty to lay his concerns on the table.
  • hang out one's shingle
    объявить об открытии, сделать вывеску
    Dr. Rayan decided to notify the public of the opening of his surgery, so he hung out his shingle.
  • in charge of (someone or something)
    быть ответственным за кого-либо \ что-либо
    The man in charge of the job admitted that they hadn't left a gap in the fence to get their truck out.
  • figure out (something)
    понимать что-либо, постигать
    I am trying to figure out what my friend's plans are.
  • have a stake in (something)
    иметь долю собственности в чём-либо
    Our computer company has a stake in a few similar companies.
  • out of stock
    распродано, не имеется в наличии (о товаре)
    I wanted to buy a pair of pantyhose, but they were out of stock that afternoon.
  • turn a profit
    получать прибыль
    Our company has been turning a profit since it opened two years ago.
  • by a long shot
    намного, значительно
    The pharmaceutical firm beat out the bids of the other similar companies by a long shot.
  • cut back
    урезать, использовать меньше
    I have to cut back on petrol because it has become very expensive.
  • take stock
    проводить инвентаризацию, учёт
    We are planning to take stock next week.
  • buy (something) on credit
    купить что-либо в кредит
    Jenny Smith had no money so she decided to buy a car on credit.
  • plug a product
    содействовать распространению продукта
    The movie star made a lot of money by plugging new products.
  • budget crunch/squeeze
    нехватка средств в бюджете
    There was a severe budget squeeze in their company and they had to stop wasting money.
  • teething problems/troubles
    проблемы, трудности становления
    Our new project is having many teething problems at the moment, but I am sure we'll get over them.
  • in the works
    в процессе подготовки, запланировано
    The construction of a new bridge was in the works.
  • cut off (someone or something)
    прервать кого-либо \ что-либо
    Their conversation was cut off by a knock on the door.
  • crunch numbers
    делать математические расчёты
    I hate to crunch numbers and my father usually does all mathematical calculations.
  • make a motion
    выдвинуть предложение (на собрании)
    Mrs. Johnson made a motion at the parents' meeting to organize a student trip to the Field Museum.
  • carry over (something)
    переносить что-либо на другое время
    It was recommended that the sale should be carried over for some other time.
  • carry through with (something)
    приводить что-либо в исполнение
    The shoe factory carried through with their plan to boost production.
  • buy a stake in (something)
    приобретать часть чего-либо в собственность
    A large company was planning to buy a stake in a small printing business.
  • turn over
    иметь оборот денежных средств
    The machine building plant turns over a lot of money each month.