Идиомы на букву A

  • apple of (one's) eye
    очень дорогой, любимый (свет очей, зеница ока)
    Her little son is the apple of her eye.
  • apple of (someone's) eye
    чей-либо объект любви, привязанности (свет очей, зеница ока)
    Kelly's little son is the apple of her eye.
  • argue for the sake of arguing/argument
    спорить ради спора
    William likes to argue for the sake of arguing.
  • arm and a leg
    огромная сумма денег
    Their new house will cost them an arm and a leg.
  • arm in arm
    (идти) под руку, рука об руку
    John and Mary were walking along the street arm in arm.
  • armed and dangerous
    вооружен и опасен
    The criminal was suspected of being armed and dangerous.
  • armed to the teeth
    вооружен до зубов
    The police stopped a car. The man in the car was armed to the teeth.
  • armpit of (somewhere)
    самое плохое место в округе
    This residential quarter is the armpit of the city, and nobody wants to live there.
  • around the clock
    24 часа, сутки
    Most of the supermarkets in big American cities work around the clock.
  • arrive on the scene
    прибыть на место происшествия
    Tim dialed 911 and the police arrived on the scene almost at once.
  • arrow in one's quiver
    чьё-либо преимущество перед другими (досл. ещё одна стрела в колчане)
    Her good knowledge of the computer was another arrow in her quiver, which helped her to get a good job.
  • as a duck takes to water
    естественно, как рыба в воде
    Sofia plunged into the water and started to swim easily and naturally, just as a duck takes to water.
  • as a last resort
    последняя мера, последнее средство (когда всё остальное испробовано)
    As a last resort John decided to take a loan from the bank.
  • as a matter of fact
    As a matter of fact cinema is the most popular entertainment for millions of people.
  • as a result of (something)
    в результате
    Ben didn't study well during the term and as a result of his laziness he failed his exams.
  • as a rule
    как правило
    On the weekends I sleep longer as a rule.
  • as awkward as a cow on roller skates
    быть очень неловким, "как корова на льду"
    Jane isn't much of a dancer, and she was as awkward as a cow on roller skates when Jim invited her.
  • as bald as a baby's backside
    совершенно лысый
    The postman, who delivers mail, is as bald as a baby's backside.
  • as bald as a coot
    совершенно лысый (похожий на птицу лысуху)
    My Uncle Robert is as bald as a coot.
  • as black as a skillet
    очень чёрный (как сковорода)
    Alan's hands were as black as a skillet when he finished repairing his car.
  • as black as a stack of black cats
    очень чёрный (как множество чёрных кошек)
    Tina's dress was as black as a stack of black cats.
  • as black as a sweep
    очень грязный (как трубочист)
    "Look! You are as black as a sweep! What have you done to your face and hands?"
  • as black as coal
    чёрный как смоль
    The man had a dark complexion, and his hair was as black as coal.
  • as black as night
    черный как ночь"
    The old house was as black as night when we entered it.
  • as black as pitch
    тёмный как ночь
    Approaching the house, we saw that it was as black as night.
  • as black as the ace of spades
    очень чёрный (как негр)
    When she returned from the beach, she was as black as the ace of spades.
  • as blind as a bat
    слепой, "слепой как крот"
    I have lost my glasses, and without them I am as blind as a bat.
  • as broad as a barn door
    очень толстый, (широкий как амбарная дверь)
    Mrs. Smart, the cook in the restaurant, was as broad as a barn door.
    Миссис Смарт, повар из ресторана, была очень толстой.
  • as busy as a beaver
    быть очень занятым
    Paul seems to be as busy as a beaver all the time.
  • as busy as a bee
    трудолюбивый как пчёлка, очень занятый
    Cora has been as busy as a bee since she moved into her new house.
  • as busy as a one-armed paperhanger
    очень занятый
    "Don't call on me today. Now I am as busy as a one-armed paperhanger."
  • as busy as popcorn on a skillet
    очень активный, подвижный
    The little boy was as busy as popcorn on a skillet all day long.
  • as calm as a toad in the sun
    очень спокойный и довольный (как жаба на солнце)
    Jeremy looked as calm as a toad in the sun during the baseball game.
  • as clean as a hound's tooth
    очень чистый
    When I finished cleaning the kitchen, it looked as clean as a hound's tooth.
  • as conceited as a barber's cat
    тщеславный, полный самомнения
    Having won the award at the Annual Fair, Timothy became as conceited as a barber's cat.