Speak English
Conversations in English on any topic. Practice your English in this section.
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Let's communicate in English!
mari|47 ответов
What should we do to preserve nature?
Karina|1 ответ
If I were a millionaire....
Пончик|22 ответа
British Bulldog to prove disaster
Mr. Piper|5 ответов
Is there any americans here?
Unknown user|нет ответов
My poems
Daeron|нет ответов
Answer the question
kotena0007|2 ответа
How has life changed over the past ten years?
Abdu|нет ответов
Fans of The Beatles, come here!
Aly|4 ответа
Peoples!!! Let ' s speak English
Динара|73 ответа
Break The Habit Of Speaking Russian All The Time
nativespeaker|34 ответа
Yankees go home.
Кровавые псы.|1 ответ
Rock in other languages...
Izuko^_^|23 ответа
Speak English, if you speak at all (to all advanced)
serjio|204 ответа
Happy New Year!
lem|6 ответов
serjio|1 ответ
What is THIS???
Lusy :-)|8 ответов
Let's have a talk about films.
Alya|27 ответов