let's chat!
# АннА
Hello everybody! Let's chat! If you wan to practice you English, or just talk, write me!My name is Ann. I'm from Ukraine, Nikolaev. My ISQ number is 481998105. I'l be glad to comunicate with everybody!
# Анна
I' d like to talk too, but I have no ICQ! Does anybody know the other way to chat? I want to practice!
# Анна
Well, finally I've installed ICQ. My number is 491129990.
# Kitty
Hello! I'd like to chat too! How are you?
# Natysay
I have not got ISQ(((
write me there - tyssay@mail.ru -
# talgAT
# Лидка)))
Hello!!!my name is Lida!I am 15!!I know lsngyage so bad!!!=(((Help me please!!!!!!My ICQ number is 438329759!!!!
# Лидка)))
# Лидка)))
I want to found friends here!!!!)))))))
# Tilek
Thanks so much to creator of "Native English". Verry usefull!