Помогите составить вопросы

  • Помогите мне с переводом
    The number of workers and specialists being trained for various spheres of economy are determined in advance (и указать причастие и его функцию)

    The functions you will be expected to perfom are planning, organization, leadership and control

    Technique having reached a high stage of development, new methos of work became possible (указать причастие и его функцию)

    In recent years many of the techniques of operations management have been applied to a variety of nonbusiness activities ( найти сказуемое и определить его видо-временную форму)

    a trully successful manager has the ability to use a managerial style most appropriate to the situation and the employee involved

    The higher the element of risk involved the higher the rate of return would need to be

  • What is Soil Conservation?
    Soil conservation is the application on the land of all necessary
    measures in proper combinations to build up and maintain soil
    productivity for efficient, abundant agricultural production on a
    sustained basis.
    Soil conservation, therefore, means proper land uses, protecting
    the land against all the forms of soil deterioration. It is rebuilding
    eroded and depleted soils, conserving moisture for plant use. It
    includes proper agricultural drainage and irrigation where needed and
    other measures which contribute to maximum practical yields and
    conserve the soils for future uses - all at the same time.
    With proper management, most soil resources can be used and
    still retain their productive capacity over long periods of time) The
    problem of conserving these resources is thus one of accepting
    practices that permit their effective use while at the same time
    safeguarding their productive capacity over time. Soil conservation is
    a matter of good land use and management.
    The State Land Use Planning provides a system of using and
    managing land based on the capabilities of the land itself, involving
    the application of the best measures or practices known, and designed
    to result in the greatest production without damage to the land. The
    State Land Use Control of Land Uses has to secure the wise uses of
    soil resources. The land users must show care in selecting their
    production practices so as to secure the practicable return. They also
    must show comparable care in choosing and timing the conservation
    investments and practices which are used to build up and maintain the
    productivity of soils.
    The State Land Use Control provides the control of all the land
    uses. The land users should accept practices that do not damage the
    soils and permit their effective use. To build up and maintain the
    productivity of the soils is their prime concern.

    A special problem arises with soil erosion. Rapid soil destruction
    means irreparable loss of land at least as far as cropping is concerned.
    Soil conservation is directed a.gainst the destructive effects of wind
    and water. The land use planners should keep the soils in such shape
    that they would remain productive as long as possible.

  • очень нужен один вопрос и три специальных вопроса к тексту

  • помогите пожалуйста мне тоже. нужно составить 4 вопроса разного типа к предложению: "The icebound continent offers our planet a splendid example of international cooperation".

  • Вот нашел в теме "Помогите определить видо-временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого" на 125 странице.
    Сообщение от 23-04-2011. Автор friend.

    А вот и ссылка в гугле:


    1.Does the icebound continent offer our planet a splendid example of international cooperation? - общий вопрос
    2.Does the icebound continent offer our planet a splendid or bad example of international cooperation? - альтернативный вопрос
    3.What does the icebound continent offer our planet? - специальный вопрос
    4.The icebound continent offers our planet a splendid example of international cooperation, doesn't it? - разделительный вопрос

  • спасибо большое за помощь:) помогите ещё чуть чуть мне с заданиями, пожалуйста...
    Задание I. Прочитайте, перепишите, используя нужную форму причастия, образованную от глагола в скобках. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. (to carry out) experimental study the scientists advance men's knowledge.
    2. The substance thus (to obtain) was pure.
    3. When (to translate) some new texts he used to write out all new words.
    Задание 2. Прочитайте предложения, определите функции причастий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
    1. Care is taken not to heat the substance.
    2. The liquid measured is in the test-tubes number one.
    3. Being a young science cybernetics penetrates into various fields of industry.

  • 1. Care is taken not to heat the substance.

    taken - participle 2 - часть сказуемого

    Приняты меры, чтобы не нагревать субстанцию.

    2. The liquid measured is in the test-tubes number one.

    measured - participle 2 - определение

    Измеренная жидкость находится в пробирках номер один.

    3. Being a young science cybernetics penetrates into various fields of industry.

    being - participle 1 - обстоятельство

    Будучи молодой наукой, кибирнетика проникает в различные отрасли промышленности.

  • 1. Carrying out experimental study the scientists advance men's knowledge.

    carrying out - participle 1 - обстоятельство

    Проводя экспериментальные исследования, ученые продвигают вперед фронт человеческих знаний.

    2. The substance thus obtained was pure.

    obtained - participle 2 - определение

    Субстанция, полученная таким образом, была чистой.

    3. When translating some new texts he used to write out all new words.

    translating - participle 1 - обстоятельство

    Переводя какие-нибудь новые тексты, он обычно выписывал все новые слова.

  • помогите:задать 5 типов вопросов к следующим предложениям:
    a) Anna is having lunch with her sister Barbara.
    Общий –
    Специальный –
    Альтернативный –
    Разделительный -
    К подлежащему –
    b) The group consists of managers. -
    - -
    - -
    a) You have got a new job.
    - -
    Task 2: Present Simple or Present Continnuous?
    1. Our manager never …(drink) coffee at work.
    2. The meeting … (begin) at 5 o’clock.
    3. Hurry up! Our boss… (wait) for you.
    4. Can you phone a bit later, please? We… (have ) a meeting.
    5. I don’t know English, but I… (learn) it now.

  • большое большое спасибо;)