Is this correct?
# sidorova.naty
I look the dictionary
I look the word -- scapegoat
There are some examples of sentence of the word.
One of the sentance is Andrei - famous scapegoat in our institute.
I guess this sentance has the error. I guess it should be look like
Andrei - a famous scapegoat in our institute.
What do you reckon?
Thanks -
# Vitaly
Оба предложения неправильные.
В английском предложении должны быть подлежащее и сказуемое,
У вас сказуемого нет, в этом кроется ошибка.
Говорим He is/He was turned into/He was scapegoateВ любом случае сказуемое пропускать нельзя, иначе мы будем нарушать грамматический строй языка.
# sidorova.naty
Andrei is a famous scapegoat in our institute.
Is it correct? -
# Vitaly
Sure it is.
However, I would not be so positive about this phrase. I would be more cautions and say that this guy SEEMS to me to be a famous scapegoat in our institute. I would say thin with a certain grain of doubt.