
  • 3. Decide what each text (1-3) is about. Match the appropriate topic (A-D) with each text. Be carefull One topic does not match any of
    the texts:
    1) Elizabeth Tudor was born in the 16th century. She was the daughter of King Henry VIll of England and she ruled the English people for 45 years.
    She wasn't a warrior, but the people believed she was brave and strong. especially after her ships stopped the Spanish invading England in 1588.
    2) Attila ruled the Huns from 434 until 453. He created a great army and attacked the Balkans, Persia and the Roman Empire. His enemies feared and hated him because he was cruel and strong, but he helped the Hunnic Empire to become rich and powerful.
    3) Saint George was a real Roman soldier, but there are a lot of stories about him. One of these stories is Saint George and the Dragon. This tells how Saint George used his sword to fight against an evil dragon. Saint George killed the dragon and saved the people.

    A. This text is about a warrior

    B. This text is about a legend

    C. This text is about a president

    D. This text is about a queen