"My dad and me" or "My dad and I"

  • Dear friends, what is the best way to translate Russian sentence
    "Мы с папой иногда играем в шахматы"?
    My dad and me / my dad and I sometimes play chess. Which one is correct?
    Thank you in advance.

  • Hello, Egar,
    How are you doing?
    You have asked a question which is very easy ro answer.
    I think that both your versions sound very awkward.
    Anyway, as for me I would never say either this or that way.
    I would use a very simple phrase to convey this idea.
    Without much thinking I would say "Sometimes I play chess with my father".
    But to answer your question the phrase "Sometimes my dad and I play chess" looks to be more correct".

  • будет этот вариант "My dad and me" , но ни как ни тот, который вам предложил Vitaly.

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  • My dad and I также верный вариант, это подлежащее в данном случае, а не дополнение.

  • My dad and me / my dad and I sometimes play chess.

    Чтобы решить, какая фраза правильная, удалите из предложения My dad и определите какое из предложение не имеет смысла

    I sometimes play chess.
    Me sometimes play chess.

    А вот теперь легко понять какое предложение будет правильным т.е.

    Мy dad and I sometimes play chess.

  • “I” - личное местоимение, которое указывает на то кому принадлежит действие

    he, she, you, we, it

    I sometimes play .....

    Личным местоимениям соответствуют объектные местоимения, которое указывают над кем или чем совершается действие

    I - me
    You - you
    We - us
    He - him
    She - her
    It - it
    They - them

    He sometimes plays chess with dad and me.

  • Даю многочисленные примеры:
    Maybe once... when my dad and I watched a fire.
    My dad and I shot it yesterday at the lake.
    My Dad and I decided on a place eventually.
    My Dad and I went to San Diego when we heard grandpa was sick
    My dad and I did everything we could.
    My Dad and I were both Marines.
    My dad and I are sending food and clothes parcels but we are doing it separately.
    My dad and I totally love each other.

    Думаю, это вполне достаточно, чтобы получить представление.
    Кроме того, можно почитать вот эту информацию:

    Mistakes connecting first-person pronouns “I” and “me” to another noun such as “dad” with a conjunction have been increasing exponentially for years. For instance, would you correct someone who says something like “Dad and me are ready to go”? Is it “dad and me” or “dad and I”?

    Use “Dad and I” as the subject of a sentence and “dad and me” as the object of a sentence, since “I” is a nominative (subject) pronoun, and “me” is an objective pronoun. An objective pronoun serves as the direct or indirect object of a verb or as the object of a preposition. Ideally, a subject pronoun will perform an action, while an objective pronoun will receive the action except in passive voice sentences.

    Думаю, все предельно ясно.