difference must/have to

  • Have to and must, don`t have to and mustn`n
    1. Have to and must are sometimes interchangeabl.
    I must be home by midnight. I have to be home by midnight.
    But have to used more often then must. If you are unsure which to use, it is probably safer to use have to.
    2.Must I...? is possible, but question forms with have to are more common.
    Do I have to do whot you say, or can I do whot I want?
    3. Have to has all forms; must does not.
    4. Don`t have to and mustn`t are completly different.
    Don`t have to expresses absence of oblilgation- you can but it isn`t necessary.
    When you go into a shop, you don`t have to buy something. You can just look.
    Mustn`t expresses negative obligation- you can but it isn`t necessary.
    You mustn`t steal other people`s things. It`s wrong.

  • Mustn`t expresses negative obligation- you can but it isn`t necessary.
    You mustn`t steal other people`s things. It`s wrong.
    I think you are wrong. On the contrary MUST NOT means strict prohibition.

  • Модальный глагол must - это строгий приказ, человек должел это сделать. Ему приказали эо сделать! А have to- это форма помягче, обозначает " вынужден , приходиться" . Он вынужден и он это делает. Пример: You have to buy a ticket before getting on the train. ( у него нет выбора , он обязан бдет это сделать) и You must keep all cleaning products in a safe place. (это звучит, как приказ, он должен это сделать!!)

  • must is personal. We use must when we give our personal feelings. eg i must do something(it`s necessary) Have to is impersonal. We use have to for facts. Must use in present and future.eg i must go tomorrow

  • have to можно перевести как "прийдется" в силу каких-то объстоятельств e.g I had to read this article мне пришлось прчитать эту статью А must-должен,обязан в общем оттенки значений

  • I will try to explain the difference between MUST and HAVE TO.
    Actually, MUST and Have To have a very similar meaning. HAVE To is more common for GENERAL,EXTERNAL obligations, for example rules and laws.
    MUST is more common for SPECIFIC or PERSONAL obligations.
    For example
    1. I have to wear a tie at work( it is a rule)
    2.I must buy a new shirt(itis your own decision).
    HaVE TO exists in all Tense
    Must is a modal verb.there are two forms are must and mustn't.
    By the way you can use HAVE to and Must for strong recommendations, for example- YOU have to/must see that film.
    Hope I was be able to help you.
    Have a nice day

  • Olga, if I'm not mistaken you've forgotten the main difference between these two modal verbs sinse rules,laws are examples of ONE common meaning or something like this. So, when you are going to epress the actions that do not depend on you(some kind of circamstances) you sould use 'have to'. As for must it supposed to be used in a great amount of meanings. Some of them have already been mentioned. also 'must' denotes a very strong possibility of some events.
    E.G. he must be hire at 5 o'clock( that is he will definitely be hire at 5 o'clock/ Talking about other mneanings there is very interesting one of prohibition.
    e. g. you must not touch this! (a very rude form of modal expression "you're not allowed to) I hope it ' will help someone.
    Best of luck to everybody.

  • Must вообще используеться редко, это слишком сильная форма, например we must protect our country, но, we have to eat soup every day. Глагол must используеться когда идет речь о каких-либо нерушимых правилах, например соблюдение законодательства и т.д.

  • • Use have to + infinitive to talk about rules and obligations, or to say something is necessary.
    • Use don’t have to + infinitive to say there is no obligation, or something is not necessary.

    • Use must + infinitive to talk about rules and obligations.
    • Use mustn’t + infinitive to say something is prohibited.
    • You can use mustn’t or can’t to talk about rules.

    ! Must and have to are very similar, but there is a small difference. We normally use have to for a general obligation (a rule at work or a law). We normally use must when the speaker imposes the obligation (for example, a teacher to students or a parent to children). But often you can use eighter.

    ! Mustn’t and have to have completely different meanings.
    You mustn’t go = You can’t go. It’s prohibited.
    You don’t have to go = You can go if you want, but it’s not obligatory/necessary.
    (By Oxford University Press, Pre-Intermediate St's Book)

  • must мы употребляем когда мы сами приняли решение что мы должны что то сделать, а have to когда это решение принял за нас другой человек