10 предложений смешанного типа условных предложений
# artem-120000
Проверьте пожалуйста 10 предложений смешанный тип условных предложений. Если неверно Напишите Почему и как будет правильно В каком типе.
Check please these sentences.
1) If I knew that you were going to do this to me now, I wouldn't have helped you yesterday. ( Mixed conditionals 1 type)
2) if i did a corona test now i would have been allowed enter to the supermarket yesterday. ( Mixed conditionals 2 type)
3) if i had known you wouldn't betray me I would take care of you now( Mixed conditionals 1 type)
4) if the Embassy had approved my visa to America, I would become a famous actor now. (Mixed conditionals 1 type)
5) If I knew that you would deceive me now, I would not have loaned you money then. ( Mixed conditionals 2 type)
6) If you had confessed your love to me then we would be happy next year
( Mixed conditionals 2 type)7) If you loved me you would have proposed marriage to me last month.
( Mixed conditionals 2 type)8)if Chasint hadn't corrected my sentences I wouldn't know much today
(Mixed conditionals 1 type)9) If you wanted to pay you would have paid now
10) If I knew who you were, I wouldn't have done this to you.
# Vitaly
Но у вас есть предложения, в которых нек нужно применять смешанный тип условных предложений.
# Vitaly
Пример---предложение 9.
Мы говорим: Если бы вы захотели платить, вы бы сделали это сейчас.
Где тут смешанный тип?
Здесь conditional II. То есть If you wanted to pay, you would do it now.
То же самое относится к предложению 6,3.
В предложении 2 вы что-то напутали. В чем логика?
Я так понимаю, что речь идет о том, что если бы вы сдали тест на коронавирус раньше, то вчера вас бы впустили в супермаркет. Где тут смешанный тип? Это conditional III, то есть If you had done a test for coronavirus before, you would have been allowed to enter a supermarket.
Или я неправ? -
# artem-120000
9) If you had wanted to pay you would pay now. Так верно? Если бы он что-то хотел бы сделать в прошлом он бы сделал это сейчас..
Если бы что-то в прошлом произошло бы по-другому тогда в настоящем произошло бы иначе.. Mixed conditionals 3+2.. 6 и 3 предложение разве неверно?
# Vitaly
If you had wanted to pay you would pay now. Так верно?
---Нет, неверно. Здесь mixed type не построишь.
Мы говорим либо If you wanted to pay, you would do it now (conditional II), либо If you had wanted to pay the other day, you would have done it then (conditional III)If you had confessed your love to me then we would be happy next year
---То же самое и здесь.
If you said you love me, we would be happy (сейчас, завтра. на следующий год)
If you had said you loved me, we would have been happy (тогда в прошлом).
В первом случае имеем conditional II, а во втором--- conditional II.Лично я, например, с трудом представляю себе такую ситуацию, которую предлагаете вы: Если бы ты сказал мне о своей любви тогда в прошлом, то на следующий год мы были бы счастливы. Тут есть логика?
# artem-120000
Из 10 предложений верн только эти?
1) If I knew that you were going to do this to me now, I wouldn't have helped you yesterday. ( Mixed conditionals 1 type)
4) if the Embassy had approved my visa to America, I would become a famous actor now. (Mixed conditionals 1 type)
5) If I knew that you would deceive me now, I would not have loaned you money then. ( Mixed conditionals 2 type)
7) If you loved me you would have proposed marriage to me last month.
( Mixed conditionals 2 type)8)if Chasint hadn't corrected my sentences I wouldn't know much today
(Mixed conditionals 1 type)10) If I knew who you were, I wouldn't have done this to you.
# Vera
# artem-120000
Прочитал по вашей ссылке составил три предложения.
Проверьте верно ли составил 3 предложения Mixed conditionals,если не правильно, напишите пож. как правильно.
1) Если бы ты пошёл со мной завтра на дискотеку я бы Попросил у шефа выходной сегодня днем.
If you went to the disco with me tomorrow, I would have asked the boss for a day off this afternoon.
2) если бы ты был таким умным ты бы решил бы эту задачу прошлым вечером.
If you were smarter, you would have solve this task last evening.
3) если я бы знал что ты не обратишь на меня внимания я бы не подошёл бы к тебе 3 дня назад.
If I knew that you weren't going to pay attention to me, I would not have approached you 3 days ago.
# Vitaly
If you were smarter, you would have solved this task last/yesterday evening.---Это правильно.
If I knew that you weren't going to pay attention to me, I would not have approached you 3 days ago.---С трудом. правильно было бы употребить здесь conditional III, то есть If I had known your ignoring me, I would not have approached you 3 days ago. все относится к прошлому моменту.
If you went to the disco with me tomorrow, I would have asked the boss for a day off this afternoon---С трудом. Правильно: If you went to the disco club with me tomorrow, I would ask my boss to grant me a day-off today. Здесь налицо conditional II.
4) if the Embassy had approved my visa to America, I would become a famous actor now. (Mixed conditionals 1 type)---Здесь надо доуточнять. Я бы не мудрил, а написал просто: If the Embassy granted me a vise to the USA, I would become a famous actor. То есть мы имеем conditional II.
5) If I knew that you would deceive me now, I would not have loaned you money then. ( Mixed conditionals 2 type)---If I had known that you would deceive me, I would not have loaned you money then. Налицо conditional III.