Помогите с переводом Intentional Torts

  • There are some common intentional torts:
    Assault consists of placing another person in fear of an immediate harmful or offensive touching. Here must be a threat of injury, coupled with an apparent ability to carry it into effect.
    Battery is usually the continuation of an assault. When the victim is hit without warning from behind, there is a battery without assault.
    Defamation is a false report about someone's character or conduct. The victim's reputation is undermined by such reports. If the defamation
    is spoken, it is slander; if the defamation is written or printed, it is libel.
    Trespassing is a wrongful entry onto the property of another. Dumping rubbish on the land of another or breaking windows of a neighbor's house are trespasses.
    When the right to possession of personal property is violated by another who steals, uses or destroys the property, the wrongdoer is guilty of conversion, .e.g. when the buyer of stolen goods doesn't know that the
    goods are stolen, he is liable for damages.
    Sometimes a person may be guilty of tort on the ground of strict liability, even if the defendant meant no harm.
    A person is strictly liable on the ground that he was engaged in a particular activity which resulted in injury, e.g. storing flammable liquids in large quantities and someone is injured as a result, he is strictly liable.