Вопрос по лицам
# viking121
Встречаю иногда фразы типа:
This pair of words contain the sound v.
И моей русской голове всегда хочется добавить s к слову contain. Т.к. pair - 3 лицо единственного числа.
This pair of words contains the sound v.Являются ли эти оба варианта правильными?
# Vitaly
Здесь множественное число.
# viking121
А можете объяснить почему множественное число? Я так понимаю множественное было бы:
These pairs of words contain the sound v. -
# Vitaly
# viking121
Не понимаю логики.
Тогда было бы These words contain....
А как на счет предложения This pair of words is wonderful.
Используем глагол is, потому что число единственное. -
# viking121
Похоже что для английского в подобных случаях оба варианта будут правильные.
This pair of words contains the sound v.
This pair of words contain the sound v.или
This pair of words is wonderful.
This pair of words are wonderful.Но на мой взгляд с точки зрения логики -- число здесь единственное.
# Vera
Usage Note: The noun pair can be followed by a singular or plural verb. The singular is always used when pair denotes the set taken as a single entity: This pair of shoes is on sale. A plural verb is used when the members are considered as individuals: The pair are working more harmoniously now. After a number other than one, pair itself can be either singular or plural, but the plural is now more common: I bought six pairs (or pair) of shoes.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
pair (pɛə) -
# Vera
When you use a pair of like this, you can use either a singular or a plural form of a verb.
He wore a pair of shoes that were given to him by his mother.
A pair of shoes was stolen. -
# viking121
Thank you Vera, just as i suspected.
# viking121
Vitaly, you can take Vera's messages as an example of an answer which clarifies the topic.