Reported speech
# AxDim
Could you help me with my homework? Is it correct:
1. He explained the audience how to choose a workout that they enjoyed.
2. He advised people interested of being athletes to avoid activities that were too hard, or boring.
3. To make you workout fun, Vernon suggested doing it a bit differently each time.
4. He told newbies that if they had goals that is a good way to motivate themselves.
5. He warned them not to overtrain it could lead to injury.
6. He reminded sportsmen to eat good food and drink lots of water.
7. He recommended them that they shouldn't use bad equipment. -
# gentleman-at-arms
1. He explained to the audience how to choose a workout that they enjoyed. если, люди которым объяснили как делать выбор, уже прошли тренировки до момента объяснения тогда ( that they had enjoyed. ) потому что они насладились ей до момента объяснения. Если же они получили объяснения до того как потренеровались, им ещё предстоит насладиться тогда ( which they would enjoyed. )
He explained to the audience how to choose a workout that they had enjoyed. - Он объяснил аудитории, как выбрать тренировку, которая им доставила удовольствие . (понравилась)
He explained to the audience how to choose a workout which they would enjoy. - Он объяснил аудитории, как выбрать тренировку, которая им доставит удовольствие ( понравится).
He explained ...... that they enjoyed .....
Если действия в главном и придаточном предложениях происходят одновременно, то для сказуемого в придаточном предложении необходимы формы прошедшего простого (Past Simple) или прошедшего длительного (Past Continuous) времен. Тип прошедшего времени в главном предложении в данном случае неважен.
enjoy - наслаждаться (чем-л.); веселиться, хорошо проводить время
# gentleman-at-arms
Исходя из той информации что Вы дали, сложно понять Ваше задание. Вы должны составить предложения сами или есть исходный матерьял с которым Вам предлогается работать, что-то изменить, добавить и тд? Нужно было написать условия домашнего задания.
1) He explained to the audience how to choose the workout that they like.
2) He advised people, who are interested in fitness (sport), to avoid activities which are too hard or boring
3) To make the workout fun, Vernon suggested to conduct it every time a little bit in a different way.
4) He told newbies if they have some goals, that is a good way to motivate themselves.
5) He warned them that any overtrain would be able to lead to injuries.
6) He reminded the athletes to have high-quality food and plenty of water.
7) He recommended them not to use any equipment that is not marked as passed the annual check or quality control.
# Vitaly
1. He explained to the audience how to choose a workout that they would enjoy.
2. He advised people interested in being athletes to avoid activities that were too hard or boring.
3. To make any workout fun, Vernon suggested doing it a bit differently each time.---После SUGGESTED никогда не употребляйте инфинитив; используйте либо герундий (как у вас), либо сослагательное наклонение.
4. He asked newbies if they had goals to motivate them.
5. He warned them not to overtrain as it could lead to an injury.
6. He reminded sportsmen of eating good food and drinking lots of water.
7. He recommended them not to use bad equipment.