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# elarus11111
Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функцию каждого окончания –s, т.е. является ли оно:
а) показателем множественного числа имени существительного;
б) показателем 3 лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite Tense;
в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного.1. The executive branch of power puts the country’s laws into effect.
2. The judicial branch of the government is headed by the Supreme Court which settles disputes between the states.
3. The Supreme Court may veto any law passed by the Congress if it contradicts the Constitution of the USA.Задание 2.
Перепишите следующие предложения, выпишите из них прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени и переведите предложения на русский язык.1. One of the most important aspects of my work is to provide security measures and protect law and order during public events.
2. Sherlock Holmes became the greatest of all amateur detectives.
3. The text I’ve just read is longer than that I read yesterday.Задание 3.
Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в них модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты и переведите предложения на русский язык.1. When they arrest somebody on suspicion of having committed a crime, they have to follow certain procedures.
2. Not knowing her address I could not write her a letter.
3. You must learn all new words.Задание 4.
Перепишите следующие предложения, выпишите из них сказуемое, определите его грамматическое значение (время, залог) и переведите предложения на русский язык.1. Since the middle years of the twentieth century, the police in Britain have lost much of their positive image.
2. The matter was investigated and measures were taken to ensure that such an accident does not happen again.
3. As a juror you will take an oath, by which you promise to answer all questions thruthfully.
4. Two cases of serial murder are being tried in the Crown Court now.
5. His guilt will be proved beyond reasonable doubt
Задание 5
Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Определите тип придаточного условного предложения:
1-й тип: придаточное реальное, относящееся к будущему времени
2-й тип: придаточное нереальное, относящееся к настоящему и будущему
3-й тип: придаточное нереальное, относящееся к прошлому1. The case would have been more successful, if a new method of investigation had been put into practice.
2. The man would be arrested, if he committed a crime in a presence of a police officer.
3. If we find a good counsel for the defense, we will win the case.Задание 6
Перепишите и переведите предложения. Подчеркните одной чертой сложное подлежащее (именительный падеж с инфинитивом) и прерывистой - сложное дополнение (объективный падеж с инфинитивом).1. We believe the prevention of a crime to be one of the main functions of police.
2. An accused wanted his rights to be explained to him by a lawyer.
3. Our laws are known to protect the interests of all people.Задание 7. Прочитайте текст, укажите номера предложений, которые являются сложными. Определите, являются ли они сложносочиненными, сложноподчиненными или бессоюзными. Переведите сложноподчинённые предложения.
1. It is important for you as cadets of a police College to think of the definitions “police” and “militia”. 2. Both words are the names of the institutions or individuals that are to maintain law and order, to provide security for the society and citizens, to fight crime – to prevent crime, to investigate and solve crimes. 3.The idea of the word “police” is municipal administration, so the aspect of administration is dominant in this term. 4. The idea of the word “militia” is military service, the military aspect of law enforcement activity is prevailing in this case. 5. In a modern democratic society the general right of the police / militia to use force in their law enforcement activity is potentially dangerous for the civil rights of the citizens. 6. On the one hand, it is necessary in a modern democratic society to establish control and supervision over the right of the police. 7. On the other hand, a law enforcement officer is to possess great self-control and even courage because he shouldn’t abuse his police power. 8. Our police are to deal with many problems, and all of them are of great importance. 9. One of the main tasks of our police is to improve police public relations, increase public’s trust and sense of security. 10. To combat modern crime – spread of drugs, drug-related crimes, crimes relating to money and terrorism – is also the problem of our police now.
Задание 8.
Выпишите из текста (Задание 7):
а) существительные с суффиксами –tion(-sion), -er(-or), -ment; -ness, -ist;
б) прилагательные с суффиксами -al, -ive, -ible (-able), -an, -ent;
в) наречия с суффиксом - ly
и укажите, от каких слов они образованы. -
# Vera
2 the most important, the greatest, longer 3 have to, couldn't, must
# Vera
1. have lost ----present perfect active
2. was investigated, were taken ---past simple passive
does not happen ---present simple active
3. will take ------future simple active
promise ---present simple active
4. are being tried ----present continuous passive
5. will be proved ---future simple passive -
# Vera
5 1---3, 2 ---2, 3 ---1.
# Vera
6 1. We believe( the prevention of a crime to be )one of the main functions of police.доп
2. An accused wanted (his rights to be explained )to him by a lawyer.доп
3.( Our laws are known to protect )the interests of all people.подлеж -
# Vera
ли они сложносочиненными 1сложноподчиненными 2или бессоюзными.3 Перекведите сложноподчинённые предложения.
.( 2. Both words are the names of the institutions or individuals that are to maintain law and order, to provide security for the society and citizens, to fight crime – to prevent crime, to investigate and solve crimes. )2
(3.The idea of the word “police” is municipal administration, so the aspect of administration is dominant in this term.)2
( 4. The idea of the word “militia” is military service, the military aspect of law enforcement activity is prevailing in this case. )3
(7. On the other hand, a law enforcement officer is to possess great self-control and even courage because he shouldn’t abuse his police power.)2
( 8. Our police are to deal with many problems, and all of them are of great importance. )1