check please the sentance

  • Hi
    есть пример в словаре --- There's been a certain amount of argy-bargy between the tenants.
    Используя его строю свое предложения
    there have been a certain amount of argy-bargy beetwen the people about the main source of pollution.some of them propose that a great number of vehicles on the roads is the reason of contamination of the atmosphere , while others consider manufacturies as the cause of polliting . From my perspective, the both in equil measure are the essential source of pollution.


  • There's been=there has been, вы пишете have. the people--people, после pollution --точка. И предложение кончилось.
    consider manufacturies (as) to be the cause of( polliting ) pollution. From my perspective, (the both in equil measure)both are equally (the ) an essential source of pollution.

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  • Thanks I will overwrite it
    there has been a certain amount of argy-bargy beetwen people about the main source of pollution . Some of them propose that a great number of vehicles on the roads is the reason of contamination of the atmosphere , while others consider manufacturies to be the cause of pollition . From my perspective, both equilly are an essential source of pollution.
    У меня pollution несколько раз . Это плохо. возможно заменить на emession в первом предложении
    еще в первом предложении. Может about заменить на related to Или это будет плохо?
    there has been a certain amount of argy-bargy beetwen people related to the main source of pollution

  • Еще вот это предложение верно
    The crucial issue is how these trash to recycle

  • The crucial issue is how these trash to recycle --how to recycle THIS trash.
    About. на related можно, но не здесь.получится люди related. Неправильно переписали от both. Pollution посмотрите синонимы в словарях.

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  • Thanks А как будет правильно From my perspective, both are equally an essential source of uncleanness
    или не правильно?

  • From my perspective both are responsible for pollution in equal measure.

  • thanks

  • Rewrite, кстати и sentence