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# karina.zakirova1
Getting exotic pets is a big responsibility. For such exotic animals, special care and suitable habitat conditions are necessary. Some pets need to follow a certain diet. It is difficult enough to provide pets with the food they are used to eating.
It must be understood that pets can be dangerous. For example, venomous snakes or spiders, predatory lions and wolves. It may seem that everything is under the control of man, but animals are no more stupid than man. At the unexpected moment they can attack.
I still think that you can not keep animals at home, which have their habitat with all the amenities.
Summing up, I believe that it is not necessary to start exotic pets, if not able to give him everything that is necessary. It is best to just leave exotic animals in their natural habitat. -
# Vera
pets with the food they are used to
animals are no more stupid than man?aren't more stupid
you can not keep animals at home, which have their habitat with--у кого habitat, у дома?which-придаточное должно стоять после сущ, которое оно поясняет
exotic pets, if not able to give him --pets-them. If you aren't able