Не могли бы проверить на наличие ошибок.

  • Здравствуйте, пишу описание для своего chrome расширения. Не могли бы проверить на наличие ошибок, буду очень признателен)

    Advanced and light-weight blocker for offensive content and sex-adult sites.
    Advanced and light-weight blocker for offensive content and sex-adult sites. The best protection App you can choose right now! The application identifies elements of the page and conducts a semantic analysis to the text with auto-expandable dictionary.

    Password protection
    Set the password after installation and you will be able to control access to the settings and capabilities of your extension.

    Allowed / Denied domains
    You can allow or deny any domain you want!

    Select custom blocking behavior. Do you want somebody not to guess about blocking? Set error 404 as an action and the user decides that the page does not exist.

    Are you interested in what and when was blocked? You can find out the title, URL and time of blocking site using the built-in log.

  • Do you want somebody not to guess about blocking?-Would you like that people couldn't guess...You can allow or deny any domain you want--you like
    decides that the page does not exist.--would learn
    Are you interested (in )what and when was blocked----in objects and the time of blocking?
    The time of blocking the site--артикли
    А вообще есть stackexchange overflow на русском, там можно проконсультироваться у компьютерщиков.

  • Спасибо огромное за Ваш ответ!