Прошу помощи
# holmspatu
Once you’re past the bizarreness of seeing three top-flight intellectuals calmly occupying the same stage normally strutted upon by the likes of Iron Maiden or Def Leppard, it’s tempting to try to evaluate the content of the discussion, score it like a boxing match, or try to figure out which gentleman is the more brilliant or righteous. But those angles, valid as the might be, miss the larger point: namely, that deep conversation, underpinned by goodwill, delivers transformative value that can’t be obtained any other way.
что значит выделенный участок?
# Vera
Perhaps "they might be"?
# Vera
Веские/обоснованные сами по себе.
# holmspatu
то есть там ошибка? должно быть they вместо the ?
# Vera
Сто процентов