check please the sentense

  • Hi
    it is the mere fact that the living standart has had huge ameliorations, as a result, people's life has become more longer, posing some difficulties to the young generation. This essay will determinate the causing issues and approaches and methods improving this situation.

  • having a huge electronical devices facilitate working activities, for instance, in order to send a message to someone is not necessery to attend a telegraph building, making a lot of effets, it is sufficient to use a mobil phone for sending the message

  • It is a mere fact


    has hugely improved


    causes, approaches amd methods to improve the situation (which will help to improve the situation)

    Electronic gadgets have significantly improved our life both at work and at leasure.

    you do not have to go to a telegraph building any more

    you can spare yourself this effort.

    for sendig a message/to send a message. .

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  • thanks
    it is a mere fact that the living standard has hugely improved , as a result, people's life has become more longer, posing some difficulties to the young generation. This essay will determinate the causes and also offer approaches and methods to improve the situation.
    having a huge electronic gadgets have significantly improved our life both at work and at leasure, for instance, in order to send a message to someone , you do not have to go to a telegraph building any more, you can spare yourself this effort, it is sufficient to use a mobil phone to send a message

  • longer, а не more longer. Вторая форма не существует. А вот сказать much longer вполне возможно.

    having a huge electronic gadgets have significantly improved our life both at work and at leasure

    ---Нет, так нельзя. Скажите, например, так: Modern electronic gadgets have significantly improved our life both ar work and and leisure.

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  • Thanks Мне кажется the mere fact я просмотрела примеры. Или я ошибаюсь?
    it is a mere fact that the living standard has hugely improved , as a result, people's life has become much longer, posing some difficulties to the young generation. This essay will determinate the causes and also offer approaches and methods to improve the situation.
    Modern electronic gadgets have significantly improved our life both at work and at leasure, for instance, in order to send a message to someone , you do not have to go to a telegraph building any more, you can spare yourself this effort, it is sufficient to use a mobil phone to send a message

  • Mere fact может употребляться и с определенным артиклем, но нужна ситуация для этого.

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  • thanks