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# tomlinson
Ex. 3. Change the following sentences as in the models:
M o d e l I. We expect that they will solve this problem very soon We expect them to solve this problem very soon.
1. The scientists know that this phenomenon is important.
2. Th suppose that she will take part in this work.
3. We consider that he know the subject well.
4. Chemists know that isotopes find wide applicatio both in industry and agriculture.
5. They expect the reaction will go to completion. We think will help us this work. We that mercuric ions colourless. I want that he will leave for Lenin grad tomorrow.
M o d e l II. I thought that he had returned. I thought him to have returned.
1. We knew that the delegation had arrived.
2. They learned that he had carried out the experiment by the end of the week.
3. They expected that he had passed his last exam well. -
# Vera
Ex. 3. Change the following sentences as in the models:
M o d e l I. We expect that they will solve this problem very soon We expect them to solve this problem very soon.
1. The scientists know this phenomenon to be important.
2. They suppose her tol take part in this work.
3. We consider him to know the subject well.
4. Chemists know isotopes to find wide application both in industry and agriculture.
5. They expect the reaction to go to completion. We think will help us this work.?? We that mercuric ions colourless.?? I want him to leave for Leningrad tomorrow.
M o d e l II. I thought that he had returned. I thought him to have returned.
1. We knew the delegation to have arrived.
2. They learned him to have carried out the experiment by the end of the week.
3. They expected him to have passed his last exam well.