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# nasty312
Вчера вечером ко мне пришел пациент. Он жаловался на сильную боль в пояснице, и частое и болезненное мочеиспускание. При обследовании я проверял наличие симптома Пастернацкого, так же я назначил анализ мочи и крови. Я предположил, что у пациента был пиелонефрит. Поэтому назначил ему на первое время: постельный режим, обильное питье, при резких болях применять антисептические препараты (папаверин). Так же я посоветовал для профилактики осложнений избегать переохлаждения.
Yesterday evening, a patient came to me. He complained of severe pain in the lower back, and frequent and painful urination. In a survey I check for Pasternackogo symptom, so I appointed a urine analysis and blood. I assumed that the patient has had pyelonephritis. Therefore, appointed him for the first time: bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, with sharp pains apply antiseptic drugs (papaverine). I also advised to prevent complications avoid hypothermia. -
# Vitalik
A patient came to me last night. He complained of a severe pain in the lower back and frequent and painful urination. While examining the patient I checked him for a Pasternatsky symptom and prescribed a urine examination and a blood count. I assumed that the patient was suffering from pyelonephritis. So I told him to stay in bed for some time, drink plenty of fluids and take antiseptic drugs (papaverine) in case of acute pain. I also advised him to try to avoid hypothermia to prevent a complication.