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# Nika585
There are different kinds of music and I would like to tell you about them. By 1000 began the period of Medieval music. Than dominated church music in the form of chants and secular songs. By the year 1450 began the period of Renaissance music when there was the rise of distinct secular styles and forms, developed polyphony, became popular lute and keyboard instruments. By 1600 begin the period of Baroque music,when dominated instrumental music and most major forms were defined. This period produced such composers as Bach, Handel, Vivaldi. New musical forms of this period were the oratorio, the cantata, the concerto. By 1750 began the period of Classical music, when appeared new forms such as the sonata, the symphony, the concerto, the string quartet. The music of this period was characterized by homophonic texture or an obvious melody with accompaniment. This period produced Franz Haydn and Mozart. The Romantic period started around 1790 and ended around 1919 as compositions became increasingly expressire and inventive. This period produced Ludwig van Bethoven, Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms, Frederic Chopin, etc. Appeared "songs without words", nocturnes, rhapsodies, preludes and freedom of form. By 1900 started period of Modern music when style became a matter of choice. The representatives of this period were Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky, Dmitry Shostakovich. Appeared such music forms as jazz, roc,techno, metal, etc.
Вот, проверьте пожалуйста. И может можно что-то убрать, а то как то много у меня получилось. -
# Vera
Порядок слов в английском предложении не может быть таким же вольным, как в русском. По структуре у вас нормально сделано только первое предложение. На первом месте ставьте подлежащее, потом сказуемое, а тут все предложения с глагола начинаются.
# Nika585
больше ни одного предложения правильного, да?
# Nika585
Кошмар, значит весь текст неправильно сделала(
# Nika585
а как второе предложение можно по-другому сделать, чтобы правильно было?
# Vitalik
By 1000 began the period of Medieval music.---Очень просто можно его сделать по-другому. На первое место ставите подлежащее (The period of Medieval music), далее сказуемое (had begun), заканчиваете предложение сочетанием by 1000.
Получаете такой вариант: The period of Medieval music had begun by 1000.
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