Сложносочиненные предложения/согласование времен

  • Здравствуйте. Помогите, пожалуйста, себя перепроверить. Это сложносочиненные предложения и согласования времен можно не придерживаться? Спасибо.
    1) Dave bought a pair of glasses because he can't see very well.
    2) Johm bought a new car last year, but he hasn't bought one this year.

  • 1) Dave bought a pair of glasses because he can't see very well.---...because he could not see very well.---Сложноподчиненное предложение.

    2) Johm bought a new car last year, but he hasn't bought one this year.---Правильно. Сложносочиненное предложение.

  • Спасибо большое. Прикольно, первое предложение из программы "неправильные глаголы с примерами". Зацарапало слух, но подумала, что они же не могут ошибаться....значит я. Еще раз спасибо.

  • Ни он, ни они не ошибаются. Оба варианта возможны в разных ситуациях.

  • Извините, Вера, можно ли попросить Вас в двух словах пояснить из каких соображений возможен тот или иной вариант. Или как мне найти где об этом прочитать. (это в грамматике случай какой? Если я хочу понять в каком случае как, мне искать что?) Спасибо.

  • Я не стала выбирать, тут хороший материал по согласованию,когда надо,когда не надо.Remember:

    If a situation is still true, backshift is optional.
    For a general truth there is no need for backshift.
    Look at the following examples. See if you can understand when and why they use backshift:

    present simple* He said, "I like coffee." He said (that) he likes coffee.
    He said (that) he liked coffee.
    present continuous* She said, "Moo is living here with us." She said Moo is living there with them.
    She said Moo was living there with them.
    past simple John said, "We bought a house last week." John said they had bought a house the week before.
    present perfect Ram said, "I haven't seen Avatar." Ram said he hadn't seen Avatar.
    past continuous Wayne said, "Were you watching TV when I called." Wayne asked if I had been watching TV when he called.
    past perfect** Ati said, "I had never lived in Thailand before." Ati told us that he had never lived in Thailand before.
    can She said, "Tara can't swim." She said Tara couldn't swim.
    She said Tara can't swim.
    could** He said, "Could you swim when you were three?" He asked me if I could swim when I was three.
    may She said: "I may be late." She said she might be late. (and she was late)
    She said she may be late. (the time to be late has not yet arrived)
    might** She said, "I might come early." She said she might come early.
    will She said, "I'll call you tomorrow." She said she would call me the next day.
    She said she will call me tomorrow. (tomorrow has not come)
    would** She said, "I wouldn't like to go." She said she would not like to go.
    shall He said: "Shall I open the door?" He asked if he should open the door.
    should** John said, "You should come here." John said I should go there.
    must The kidnapper phoned me and said: "You must come here now." The kidnapper phoned me and said I had to go there then.
    Ati said, "I must find a job next year." Ati said he must find a job next year. (next year hasn't come yet)
    have to Tara said: "I have to do my homework." Tara said she had to do her homework.

    * if still true, change is optional (sometimes a matter of emphasis)
    ** never changes


  • Благодарю Вас, Вера, сердечно. Распечатала, полезно все.