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# Kseniiaa
Помогите пожалуйста задать к каждому абзацу один любой вопрос, вопросы должны быть разными (общий, альтернативный, специальный или разделительный).
1 абзац - Finally, some of the nation's largest businesses can look to loans from investors to meet their short-term financial needs. If, for example, General Motors needed S10 million to finance a payroll, it could raise the money by selling commercial paper - a kind of IOU issued by a corporation, promising to repay a sum of money at a specified rate of interest. Investors wishing to earn interest on their surplus funds can buy these IOU's from brokers specializing in such investments.
2 абзац - Federal law requires that all loans be expressed in terms of the annual percentage rate or APR. The APR of loans that are discounted is always higher than the rate quoted. This is true because the amount the borrower received is less than the amount actually loaned.
3 абзац - In the example below, Snugasabug had the use of only $ 9,600 for the three months of the loan, not the $10,000. Thus the $ 400 in interest was paid on a loan of $9,600. $400 is 4.17 percent of $ 9,600 and since the money was loaned for only 3 months (or one quarter of a year) the annual percentage rate (APR) was 16.68 percent.
4 абзац - Long-term Financing. Long-term financing is money that will be used for a year or more. Building a factory, purchasing equipment, launching a major research effort are the kinds of projects that require long-term financing.
5 абзац - Why Would anyone lend money to a business fora year or more? The reason is that revenues from these kinds of projects (like a new factory) continue to flow for a long period of time. This makes it possible for borrowers to repay their loans as promised.
6 абзац - The most common sources of long-term financing are retained earnings, long-term loans, and the sale of stock. -
# AnnaVital
Добрый вечер!
Я бы такие вопросы составила к абзацам. Но не уверена на 100%, что они без ошибок.
1) How can some of the nation's largest businesses look to loans from investors? (специальный)
2) Federal law requires that all loans be expressed in terms of the annual percentage rate, doesn't it? (разделительный)
3) What was the annual percentage rate on a loan of $9,600? (специальный)
4) Does building a factory require short-term financing or long-term financing? (альтернативный)
5) What is the reason to lend money to a business for a year or more? (специальный)
6) Is the sale of stock one of the most common sources of long-term financing? (общий) -
# Vitalik
1) How can some of the nation's largest businesses look to loans from investors? (специальный)---Теоретически все верно, по практически вопрос бессмысленный.
Что он значит? Мне кажется, что вы не совсем поняли значение сочетания слов "can look to loans from investors". Судя по контексту, это означает, что "некоторые крупнейшие предприятия могут обратиться за займами к инвесторам". Поэтому, если вы хотели поставить специальный вопрос, то, мне кажется, лучше это было бы сделать так " Why can some of the nation's largest businesses look to loans from investors?" Вопрос задается к сочетанию " to meet their short-term financial needs".
Или, например, такой вопрос " What can some of the nation's largest businesses do (in order) to meet their short-term financial needs?" Вопрос задается к сочетанию "look to loans from investors".
Короче, специальный вопрос к этому предложению напрямую связан с его пониманием. -
# AnnaVital
Здравствуйте, Vitalik!
Согласна с Вашими исправлениями.
Вот, что значит свежий взгляд со стороны. :)