
  • Можете проверить правильно ли составлены эти предложения.

    1. I’ll learn English until I have it done.
    2. I was reading all night until morning.
    3. I drove a car until I came to the destination.
    4. He has played the computer game until his eyes tired.
    5. The bar is open until the last customer.

  • 1. I’ll learn English until I have it done.---Нехорошо.
    2. I was reading all night until morning.---I read through the night till morning came.
    3. I drove a car until I came to the destination. ---Нормально.
    4. He has played the computer game until his eyes tired.---He played the computer game until his eyes failed him/began to ache.
    5. The bar is open until the last customer.---...until the last customer leaves.