Конструкция : to be of some help
# Claire
Здравствуйте, помогите, пожалуйста, разобраться. Два вопросительных предложения: 1) "Wasn't he any help to any of them?" или 2) "Wasn't he any OF help to any of them"...У меня в курсе английского первый вариант, но жутко он мне царапает слух...и найдена конструкция "be of some help / be of any help ", но "he wasn't much help" - нужен ли предлог "of" перед "help". Заранее благодарю.
# Claire
Отвечу сама себе. Устроила консилиум, пока сошлись на версии: Wasn't he of any help to any of them? - I'm afraid he was of very little help to any of them........ Если есть у кого-то еще какие-то мысли....поделитесь, пожалуйста.
# Vera
Некоторые мысли.В положительном смысле --либо He was very helpful. (прилагательным), либо как исчисляемое сущ be a great/tremendous /real...help to smb.You've been a real help to me/You've been most helpful.Иногда с неисчисляемым с of.be of great/some/any/no help to smb.Let me know if I could be of any help. Much help --только с неисч, в отриц значении He wasn't much help.
Вот примерыWas he any help to them? Самое распростр.
Was he much help to them?
Was he of any help to them?
Of any help", or "of much help" is used to ask if there was even a small bit of help provided where the expectation of the asker is there will be a negative answer.No, he wasn't any help. Самое распр.
No, he wasn't much help. -
# Vera
More example sentences
‘Jacob was an awesome help to me too, setting up my floor lamp and my bed, and moving furniture around.’
‘Proper funding to humanities departments in universities would also be a big help.’
‘It would be a great help for both vendors and occupants or employees of the buildings.’
‘Members of the Kilmeena community have been a tremendous help.’
‘He was a great help to me, videoing me going over fences and correcting mistakes.’
‘I think it would be an interesting discussion for you and it would be a huge help to me.’
‘She was a big help at the farm, looking after the children and keeping the house.’‘A positive state of mind is also thought to be of great help in protecting against such problems.’
‘He intends to run the 500 yards, but believes his strict fitness regime won't be much help.’
‘Thus annual measurement would be of little help in avoiding serious effects.’
‘In the event, we have got a new side road whose cycle path is only of direct help to those travelling to and from York.’
‘The idea is not of much help in reading Aeschylus and of intermittent usefulness in Euripides.’
‘The relaxation will, however, be of little help to British travellers, initially at least.’
‘This is not much help for determining adverse effects if they aren't common and the trials aren't very large.’Эти примеры из другого словаря, можно проследить употребление. В общем, когда подлежащее--человек, чаще употребляется без предлога, особенно, если функция subject complement --сказуемое при глаголе-связке, но и of не исключается.
# Vitalik
Отвечу сама себе. Устроила консилиум, пока сошлись на версии: Wasn't he of any help to them? - I'm afraid he was of very little help to some of them........ Если есть у кого-то еще какие-то мысли....поделитесь, пожалуйста.
но "he wasn't much help" - нужен ли предлог "of" перед "help".
---Нет,не нужен. Смысл такой: He did not give/provide much help=He was not helpful.
# Claire
Vera, Вам сердечный поклон за такой развернутый ответ. Извините, что забрала у Вас столько время. Vitalik спасибо большое за ответ. Wasn't he any help to any of them? - I'm afraid he was very little help to any of them - значит в таком виде все корректно. Спасибо большое за помощь.
# Vitalik
Все правильно, только с одним НО: как в вопросе, так и в ответе надо употреблять предлог OF.
# Claire
Да что же такое)))) ....Надеюсь последний раз, правильно: Wasn't he of any help to any of them? - I'm afraid he was of very little help to any of them. но "he wasn't much help" - Спасибо большое.
# Vitalik
He was not of any help to me = He was not much help to me.