почему после I идет were? должно быть was
# andrew78
почему после I идет were? должно быть was
If I were going to have a travel in England, I would definitely use the railway.почему идет consider taking, а не consider take
When traveling in England you should consider taking the train because you will find that it is the most convenient way to travel.Полный текст
England is quite easy to get around with the railway system. You can even sleep on the train in the sleeper cars and eat all your meals in the restaurant car. When traveling in England you should consider taking the train because you will find that it is the most convenient way to travel. If I were going to have a travel in England, I would definitely use the railway.
# Vera
Условное предложение, в придаточном для глагола be–форма were во всех лицах, в разговорном варианте допускается was в ед.числе.Если бы я планировал путешествие по Англии, я бы точно/определенно воспользовался ж/д транспортом.(would use)
# Vitalik
почему идет consider taking, а не consider take
When traveling in England you should consider taking the train because you will find that it is the most convenient way to travel.---Потому что это ГЕРУНДИЙ. А он как раз и употребляется после глагола consider. Так что все правильно.
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