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# Anastasiya 1605
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A kind of treatment "designed " to stimulate people who are withdrawn or uncommunicative has recently been given a new name: pet therapy.
It has "given " difficult children, lonely old people and even anti- social prisoners a completely new outlook on life.Еvеn thoughpеt thеrapyis only nоw "bеing" widеly usеd,it is not a new idea.
In the 18th century in English doctor WT "filled" the grounds of a hospital for mentally "disturbed " people with chickens, rabbits and goats.
Tuke 's idea was that patients could learn self-control by "caring " for creatures weaker than themselves.
These animals comforted the " traumatised " and helped them to avoid " becoming " obsessed with their injuries.
At last, they came to the conclusion that people with pets really were " living " longer.
It was discovered that " stroking " a cat or dog lowers a human beings blood pressure and reduces anxiety.
A dental school in America has discovered that " gazing " at fish in a tank helps patients relax before "undergoing " dental treatment. -
# Vitalik
"designed "---причастие 2
"given "---причастие 2, третья форма глагола в презент перфект
"bеing"--=-причастие1, четвертая форма глагола в презент континиус
"filled"--паст индефинит
"disturbed "---причастие2
"caring "---герундий
the " traumatised "---субстантивированное прилагательное
" becoming "---герундий
" living "---причастие1
" stroking "---герундий
" gazing "---герундий
"undergoing "---герундий