Пожалуйста,проверьте перевод
# Boris1
Чья эта квартира? – Whose apartment is this?
Ваш друг-социолог? – Is your friend a sociologist?
Его жена тоже врач? – Is his wife a doctor too?
Они дома? – Are they at home?
Что они делают? – What are they doing?
Где их дети? – Where are their children?
Это жилая комната? – Is this a living room?
Сколько спален в доме? – How many bedrooms are there in the house?
Они на втором этаже? – Are they on the second floor?
Есть ли ванная на первом этаже? – Is there a bathroom on the first floor?
Он сын моего друга – He is my friend’s son.
Нет. Она его племяница – No, she is not. She is his niece.
Who is her husband?
Джон Браун – Her husband is John Brown.
Сколько ему лет? – How old is he?
Are there any chairs in the room?
Да. Там шесть стульев – Yes, they are. There are six chairs there.
Да. Там два кресла – Yes, they are. There are two armchairs there.
Is there a TV set there?
Да, есть – Yes, there is a TV set there.
Там нет картин – There is not any pictures there.
Да, очень холодно – Yes, it is very cold.
Я вас жду – I am waiting for you.
Where is John?
Он в кухне – He's in the kitchen.
Что он делает? – What is he doing?
Какое сегодня число? – What date is it today?
Сегодня вторник? – Is it Tuesday today?
Дети спят? – Are the children sleeping?
Что они делают? – What are they doing?
Сегодня четверг, 25 июня – Today is Thursday, the twenty-fifth of June.
Он в Лондоне – He's in London.
Это удобная квартира? – Is it a comfortable apartment?
На каком она этаже? – On what floor is it?
Лифт есть? – Is there an elevator?
Сколько этажей в доме? – How many stores are there in the house?
На каком этаже живёт твой брат? – On what floor is living your brother?
Смотрите под ноги – Watch your step.
Не спешите – Take your time.
Здесь их квартира – Here is their apartment. There is their apartment here.
Это четвёртый этаж – It is the fourth floor. -
# Vera
Are there any chairs in the room?
Да. Там шесть стульев – Yes, they are. There are six chairs there.--yes, THERE. are.там нет картин – There is not any pictures there. --are no, aren't any.Сколько этажей в доме? – How many stores are there in the house? --storeys, floorsНа каком этаже живёт твой брат? – On what floor is living your brother?
what floor does your brother live (on)? -
# Vitalik
Это жилая комната? – Is this a living room?---Мoжно: " Is this a sitting room? Is this a parlour?" Помните: " Will you come into my parlor?'--said a spider to a fly.
Есть ли ванная на первом этаже? – Is there a bathroom on the first floor?---.../or on the ground floor? Смотря чей( английский или американский первый этаж) имеется в виду.
Джон Браун – Her husband is John Brown---Or " John Brown is her husband". "The name is John Brown".
Сколько ему лет? – How old is he?---Or " What is his age?"
Лифт есть? – Is there an elevator?---Is there an elevator there/in the house/building? Does this building have a lift?
Здесь их квартира – Here is their apartment. There is their apartment here.---Второе предложение плохо звучит. Лучше " This is their flat/apartment".
# Boris1
Спасибо большое Vera и Vitalik.