Пожалуйста,проверьте перевод
# Boris1
Как вас зовут? – What is your name?
Вы агроном? – Are you an agronomist?
Это ваша жена? – Is that your wife?
Сколько ей лет? – How old is she?
Сколько лет вашему сыну? – How old is your son?
Как зовут вашего сына? – What is your son’s name?
Где он сейчас? – Where is he now?
Меня зовут Мартин Смит – My names is Martin Smith.
Нет, я не врач – No, I am not a doctor.
Я – социолог – I am a sociologist.
Мне 27 лет – I am twenty seven years old.
Её зовут Марта – Her name is Marta.
Ей 23 года – She is twenty three years old.
Нет. Она преподаватель – No, she is not. She is a teacher.
Нет. Я читаю газету – No, I am not. I am reading a newspaper.
Она играет на пианино – She is playing the piano.
Он играет с игрушками – He is playing with toys.
Нет, она спит – No, she is sleeping.
Да, сейчас зима – Yes, it is winter now.
Are they days long?
Нет. Дни короткие – No, they are not. The days are short.
Are the nights long?
Да – Yes, they are.
Is it dark outside?
Да. Сейчас половина восьмого. Yes, it is. It is half past seven now.
Are you speaking English?
Нет. Я читаю газету – No, I am not. I am reading a newspaper.
Она разговаривает с Питером – She is speaking with Peter.
Половина шестого – It is half past five.
Зима. It is winter.
Вы играете в теннис сейчас? – Are you playing tennis now?
Вы смотрите телевизор? – Are you watching TV?
Что вы делаете? – What are you doing?
Какой сегодня день? – What day is it?
Какое сегодня число? – What date is it today? -
# Vera
My names is Martin Smith. --nameAre they days long?--the
разговаривает с Питером – She is speaking with Peter.--talking to -
# Boris1
Спасибо Vera. Можно употреблять speaking или это очень официально?
# Vera
The verbs speak and talk both generally mean ‘say words’, but there are some small differences in how they are used. Speak is more formal than talk.
I need to speak to you.
Formal. It is possible that:
– the speaker does not know you very well.
– this is in a formal setting, such as work.
– what the person has to say is important/serious.
I need to talk to you.
Informal. It is possible that:
– the speaker is your friend.
– the speaker is someone you don’t know very well, but what they have to say is informal.
We usually use speak for more formal presentations and lectures, and talk for more informal ones:Dr Graham Foster will speak about the history of the region.
Kyle is going to talk us through the benefits of the software and then Liz will talk about the marketing plan.
When we refer to languages, we use speak:
How many languages do you speak?
Not: How many languages do you talk?
I wish I could speak Italian.
Not: … talk Italian.
Speak usually only focuses on the person who is producing the words:
He spoke about the importance of taking exercise and having a good diet.
Talk focuses on a speaker and at least one listener, and can mean ‘have a conversation’:
I hope I can meet you to talk about my plans for the company.
Not: I hope I can meet you to speak about my plans …
He always looks down when he is speaking.
The focus is on his use of his voice to produce words. Speak focuses only on the person who is producing the words.
I was talking to Maria yesterday.
The focus is on the use of words as part of a conversation with someone else.
We use speak on the telephone:A:
Is Rita there?B:
Who’s speaking?A:
My name’s Anna. I work with her.Not: Who’s talking?
Hello, can I speak to Laura, please?
# Boris1
Спасибо большое Vera.
# Vitalik
Мне 27 лет – I am twenty seven years old.---Можно " I am aged 27". То же относится и к" Ей 23 года".
Она играет на пианино – She is playing the piano.---Можно" She is playing piano".
# Boris1
Спасибо Vitalik.