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  • My favourite book
    The Book and its Protagonist
    My favourite book - "Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev, written in 1862. The protagonist of the book is strong personality: he wants to be useful to society; engaged in science, treats people and despises aristocrats, considers them useless people.
    Friendship of Heroes
    Eugene has a friend Arkady Kirsanov. By the nature of Yevgeny Bazarov is solid and purposeful while his friend is soft, slightly dreamy. But by that they complement each other, despite the fact that frequently occur quarrels between them. .
    The Beliefs of Bazarov
    Once Bazarov comes to visit Kirsanov’s family. Kirsanov’s father is landlord. Kirsanov’s uncle is landlord and an aristocrat. They are united by commitment to the landlord mode of life, but they are not able to perceive something new. The hosts want to know more about the guest. Between them and Bazarov begins ideological debate in which Bazarov justifies his worldview. Bazarov is a nihilist. He denies all principles.
    Disappointment in Nihilism
    Protagonist of the roman was convinced that there is no love. However, he feel in love with a woman, which recalled to his death. All life the hero dedicates to science and treatment of other people.
    In the book, the old generation of “Fathers” is compared with the generation of “children”. Children reject the usual order of society to make the world better. I think, that this book is relevant today. I would like to add that today's “Bazarovs" do not forget about the experience of past generations.
    *protagonist-главный герой
    *by the nature-по натуре
    Выделенное предложение: "Но этим они дополняли друг друга, хотя между ними зачастую происходили ссоры."-учитель сказала, что в нём надо изменить порядок слов.
    *They are united by commitment to the landlord mode of life, but they are not able to perceive something new.-Их объединяет приверженность к помещичьему образу жизни, но они не способны воспринимать что-то новое.
    *...in which Bazarov justifies his worldview. Bazarov is a nihilist. He denies all principles.-В котором Базаров обосновывает своё мировоззрение. Базаров нигилист. Он отвергает все принципы.
    *which recalled to his death-о которой вспоминает всю свою жизнь.
    *Children reject the usual order of society to make the world better.-дети отвергают привычный общественный порядок для того, чтобы сделать мир лучше.
    Последнее предложение: Я хотел бы добавить, что сегодняшним "Базаровым" не стоило бы забывать об опыте прошлых поколений.

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