# Аleks
правильно ли заданы вопросы?
Where did you go ?
Who did you go with?
How did you get there?
Where did you stay?
How long have you been there?
Did you have a good weather?
What did you do during the day?
What did you do at night?
Did you have a good time?
Did you have any problems? -
# Vitalik
Did you have a good weather?---Слово WEATHER не употребляется с неопределенным артиклем. Мы говорим либо GOOD WEDATHER, либо THE GOOD WEATHER.
# Vera
Was the weather good/nice ?
# Vitalik
Я думаю, что со словом WEATHER лучше сочетается FINE.
# Vera
Nice weather we're having.
1. Lit. Isn't the weather nice? (Sometimes used to start a conversation with a stranger.) Bill: Nice weather we're having. Bob: Yeah. It's great. Mary glanced out the window and said to the lady sitting next to her, "Nice weather we're having." -
# well-to-do
Vera, вопрос не в тему, но интересно, что значит "репутация" и как она набирается?
# Vera
Я не знаю. А где это написано?