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# Tatsiana
In an open economy, that is an economy having contacts with other countries, we consider imports to be a leakage from the circular flow since they provide a demand for goods which are produced abroad.
Demand for exports is determined by conditions of foreign economies and some economists don't believe that exports depends on domestic income. However, there exists a relationship between exports and domestic aggregate demand.
Imports from other countries may be raw materials for domestic production or goods for direct consumption by households, such as a Japanese television set or a bottle of French wine. We expect demand for imports to rise when domestic income and output rise. -
# Vera
In an open economy, that is an economy having contacts with other countries, we consider imports to be a leakage from the circular flow since they provide a demand for goods which are produced abroad. В открытой экономике,т.е.экономике,имеющей связи с другими странами,мы рассматриваем импорт, как утечку из кругооборота так как он требует товары,которые производятся за рубежом.
Demand for exports is determined by conditions of foreign economies and some economists don't believe that exports depends on domestic income. However, there exists a relationship between exports and domestic aggregate demand. требования экспорта опредееляются условиями зарубежных экономик и некоторые экономисты не считают,что экспорт зависит от внутреннего дохода(внутри страны). Однако существует связь между экспортом и совокупными внутрениими потребностями.
Imports from other countries may be raw materials for domestic production or goods for direct consumption by households, such as a Japanese television set or a bottle of French wine. We expect demand for imports to rise when domestic income and output rise.
импортом из других стран может быть сырье для внутреннего производства или товары прямого потребления в быту.,такие как японские телевизоры,или французское вино. Ожидается,что потребности в импорте возрастут, когда внутренний доход и выпуск продукции возрастут.