I need some friends to practice my English
# Olga
Hello! I'm Olga and I really need some friends to improve my English. My ICQ 262767748 and my e-mail wordnet@yandex.ru
I can talk about everything you want. I need someone to show me my mistakes and help me to increase my vocabulary
I'll be glad to chat with everybody! Do come in -
# алекс
Hello Olga, i will help you in what i can on today 's day, I learn English a long time enough and can to share my knowledge with everybody, be happy and healthly, thanks for your attention to my try in english exercises!
# Yana
Dear, Alex I doubt that you can help poor Olga to improve her English because you yourself are not very good at it, taking in consideration your mistakes.
Sincerely yours,
Yana. -
# Сергей
Olga, what town do you live in? Now in most towns there are English clubs or something of the kind. Sure, it'd be the best way.
# Ayka
Всем желающим найти друзей по переписке на английском языке рекомендуем заглянуть сюда: http://www.native-english.ru/penpal/
# Евгений
Находите просто в аське кого-нибудь из англии или сша это можно сделать без проблем и общаетесь. Я так находил и немало единственное общаться не получается долго очень думаю над предложениями при том часто все равно не понимают и из-за этого живого разговора совсем не получается. А так все это без проблем. К стати можете найти русских в сша том же если они долго там живут то очень охотно идут на контакт. Тяга к родному сказывается.
Well, I attend to improve my poor English too, but I still haven't got enough time for one... If somebody want to acquaint with me - there is my ICQ - 242788140. In any case good luck you. :)
# Dark Lady
I want to improve my English and to communicate with someone.
# fika
I concern with english about 5 month. If you agree improve your english with me, please write to me.
# Kostya
Hi Olga! In spite of my living in New York my English is still far from perfect. Let's try to become e-mail friends, and maybe it will be beneficial for both of us. My e-mail: viktoriya.rykhlevskaya@db.com
I'm studying in college. If you don't mind telling about yourself, where are you living? what are you doing/reading/watching/listening to? If you prefer not to say, it's fine with me; find any other topic.
Bye for now,