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# Sharly
The Halloween is one of the most popular festival in the English-speaking countries, which celebrates in night on 31-st October. People wear awful costumes and draw horrible make-up on their faces. Also you are able to go in diverse houses and ask people: "Trick-or-treating?" Then some person gives a lot of sweets and cookies. A lot of children in America celebrates the Halloween. I want to participate in this festival.
# Vitaly
Halloween is one of the most popular festivals in the English-speaking countries, which is celebrated on the night of the 31-st of October (on the 31 October night). People wear awful costumes and horrible make-up on their faces. Also they are able to go to different houses and ask : "Trick or treat?" Some persons may give a lot of sweets and cookies. A lot of children in America celebrate Halloween. I want to participate in this festival.
# Vera
Awful, horrible --scary, horrifying, some people.