анализ предложений
# anastejza
Пожалуйста помогите проанализировать полностью предложения
1.Sometimes she finished sentences wrongly,which annoyed the person who was speaking,and sometimes she finished them correctly,which annoyed the speaker even more.2.However,this does not mean that there is a"suicide gene",because the problem is psychological rather biological.3.It would be absurd if God revealed Himself,expecially after people have committed so many crimes throughout the centuries.4.Richardson,the most independent and imaginative architect,attained prominence whren he gave a new form to Boston's Trinity Church.5.When he decided to concetrate on observed nature,he was accordingly forced to invent a new,freer manner of working that permitted him to express the transient effects of light and shade.6.He went away,leaning as surprised and somewhat excited at the change that was to take place in our lives.Прошу помогите я не могу справится -
# Vitaly
А что значит"проанализировать предложения"? Каким образом их надо анализировать?
# anastejza
Сказать где какой член предложения нее только subject и object но и остальные (adverbial modifier,predicate,attribute)и сказать где какой clause(object clause,subject clause,predicate clause,attributive clause,adverbial clause)сказать сколько их есть в предложении просто мы пишим тест по теме "complex sentense и нам сказали полностью их разобрать условие было "Analyze following sentences"я просто очень переживаю и никак не могу сделать єто задание я вас очень прошу помогите
# anastejza
Для меня єтот тест очень важен
# Vitaly
1.Sometimes she finished sentences wrongly,which annoyed the person who was speaking,and sometimes she finished them correctly,which annoyed the speaker even more---she finished-подлежащее+сказуемое, which annoyed the person-придаточное определительное, who was speaking-придаточное определительное, she finished-подлежащее+сказуемое, which annoyed the speaker even more-придаточное определительное.
2.However,this does not mean that there is a"suicide gene",because the problem is psychological rather biological.---this does not mean-подлежащее+сказуемое, that there is a"suicide gene"-придаточное дополнительное, because the problem is psychological rather biological-придаточное причины.
3.It would be absurd if God revealed Himself,expecially after people have committed so many crimes throughout the centuries.---It would be, God revealed, people have committed-подлежащее+сказуемое, if God revealed Himself,expecially-придаточное дополнительное, after people have committed so many crimes throughout the centuries-придаточное времени.
4.Richardson,the most independent and imaginative architect,attained prominence when he gave a new form to Boston's Trinity Church---Richardson attained -подлежащее+сказуемое, he gave-подлежащее+сказуемое, when he gave a new form to Boston's Trinity Church-придаточное времени.
5. When he decided to concetrate on observed nature,he was accordingly forced to invent a new,freer manner of working that permitted him to express the transient effects of light and shade.---he decided, he was forced to invent-подлежащее+сказуемое, When he decided to concetrate on observed nature-придаточное времени, that permitted him to express the transient effects of light and shade-придаточное определительное.
6. He went away,leaving as surprised and somewhat excited at the change that was to take place in our lives---He went away-подлежащее+сказуемое, leaving as surprised and somewhat excited at the change-причастный оборот в функции обстоятельства образа действия, that was to take place in our lives-придаточное определительное.
Здесь все просто. Я не знаю, что вас так напугало, что вы не можете справиться с этим заданием. Возьмите грамматику Качаловой и Израилевич, откройте раздел "Сложное предложение" на стр. 410 и прочитайте материал о придаточных предложениях. Там все доступно и подробно изложено. Тем самым вы подготовите себя к выполнению аналогичных заданий в будущем.
# anastejza