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# Dasha95
It happened in the Middle Ages in a small town in Germany. The citizens of the town 1(worry) by the great number og rats which 2(give) the people no peace day band night. No one knew from where the terrible animals 3(come) to the town or how they could 4(destroy), because none of the means that already 5(use) against the rats were of much help. The citizens went to the Mayor and said: "We 6(lose) all patience. If you 7( not take) radical steps you 8(not remain) our Mayor!"
After that the Mayor declared that he 9(give) a bag og gold to anyone who 10(free) the town from the rats.
One day a young man 11(appear) before the Mayor and said that he 12(hear) about their trouble and 13(be) ready to help if the Mayor 14(keep) his promise. "Of course," the Mayor exclaimed. "If you 15( make) the rats 16(disappear) the bag og gold 17(be) yours."
The young man took an old pipe from his pocket and began 18(play). Suddenly a strange noise 19(hear) all over the town. The citizens 20(see) thousands of rats 21(move) after the piper towards the rover. He continued playing his pipe and never 22(stop) until he 23(reach) the river bank and 24(step) into the water. -
# Yellowfang
It happened in the Middle Ages in a small town in Germany. The citizens of the town 1(were worried) by the great number of rats which 2(were giving) the people no peace day and night. No one knew from where the terrible animals 3 (had come) to the town or how they could 4(be destroyed), because none of the means that (had already been used) against the rats were of much help. The citizens went to the Mayor and said: "We 6(are losing / OR have lost) all patience. If you 7( don’t take) radical steps you 8(will not remain) our Mayor!"
After that the Mayor declared that he 9(would give) a bag of gold to anyone who 10(would free) the town from the rats.
One day a young man 11(appeared) before the Mayor and said that he 12(had heard) about their trouble and 13(was) ready to help if the Mayor 14(would keep) his promise. "Of course," the Mayor exclaimed. "If you 15(make) the rats 16(disappear) the bag of gold 17(will be) yours."
The young man took an old pipe from his pocket and began 18(to play). Suddenly a strange noise 19(was heard) all over the town. The citizens 20(saw) thousands of rats 21(moving) after the piper towards the rover. He continued playing his pipe and never 22(stopped) until he 23(reached) the river bank and 24(stepped) into the water. -
# Dasha95
Спасибо огромное,очень Вам признательна!
# Vitaly
Из предыдущей порции того же самого текста. Есть такое предложение:
One day a young man 11(appeared) before the Mayor and said that he 12(had heard) about their trouble and 13(was) ready to help if the Mayor 14(would keep) his promise.---В последней части предложения я бы написал:...if the mayor KEPT his promise.
Причины для этого две:
1. В настоящем времени эта фраза выглядит так: A young man says that he heard about their trouible and is ready to help if the Mayor keeps his promise.
Если мы опустим все предложение на ступеньку ниже, то в конце его получим:..if the Mayor KEPT his promise.
2. Фраза, которая начинается с IF, является придаточным условным, поэтому там никак не может быть БУДУЩЕЕ В ПРОШЕДШЕМ. -
# Yellowfang
Thanks for bringing my attention to this matter. I normally do such exercises automatically, without really thinking. Anyway, I still don’t think I got it wrong, consider the following:
we can use if … will with the meaning ‘if you are willing to’
If you will tell me where the vacuum cleaner is, I’ll clean the house [Hewings 2nd, U84].
If you will pay for my car to be serviced afterwards, I’ll lend you my car for your holiday [Side, Wellman Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency, 85].
13(be) ready to help if the Mayor 14(keep) his promise
Now I recast the sentence into the present:
He is ready if the Mayor will (=is willing to) keep his promise OR keeps
both variants are legitimate – it’s a matter of choice
Vitaly, let’s drop the matter, we both know our stuff – it’s not worth arguing aboutДаша, поставьте 14(kept), для страховки )))
# Vera
Может быть будущее после if, но не на этом уровне.
# Vitaly
Да, совершенно верно. Вы абсолютно правы, но это сложно уловить даже профессионалу, не говоря о Даше. Зачем ей об этом знать на данном этапе?
Я исходил из того, что ей надо выполнить контрольную работу. Обычно к контрольной прилагается какое-то грамматическое правило, которое обучаемый должен прочитать и освоить. Я далек от мысли, что в этом правиле был такой сложный момент, тем более со ссылками на [Hewings 2nd, U84]. и [Side, Wellman Grammar and Vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Proficiency, 85]
Скорее всего в прилагаемом грамматическом справочнике речь шла всего лишь о придаточных предложениях времени и условия и употреблении времен в них.
О споре и речи не идет, мы просто обмениваемся мнениями.