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  • Задания по тексту .
    How can foreign ownership help a country's economy .

    It is often said that the only thing being talked about is not being talked about . Countries with open economies could likewise complain that the only thing the worse than foreign investment is no foreign investment . When Americans criticize the Japanese for "buying up America " , with large parceled of US real estate in Japanese hands , or when the French criticize the Americans for buying up France , with many French companies , they choose to ignore one of the basic components of international trade : the freedom to invest abroad .
    Essentially, foreign investment is a result of trade surpluses. When a hardworking country exports more than it imports , it ends up with money to invest in the world markets . This money can be used abroad to buy anything from foreign government bonds to real estate and companies.
    Because there is a natural fear of strategic industries falling into foreign hands , most countries have laws that prohibit foreign ownership of certain high-tech industries and military supplies. That is usually accomplished without limiting foreign investment in other sectors of the economy .
    Countries with trade deficits can often benefit from foreign challenges to make their own industries more competitive on the international markets . Although this is not always easy , reducing trade and investment can be disastrous for consumers and producers alike. If a country restricts foreign investment , jobs and needed capital are often lost to other countries with more open economies .

    Задания :

    1. Ответить на вопросы :

    1)what is the basic component of international trade ?
    Ответ : the basic component of international trade is the freedom to invest abroad . (?)
    2)what money can be invested in the world market?
    Ответ : money can be invested in the world market if a hardworking country exports more than it imports . (?)
    3)what industries and supplies ar usual prohibited for foreign ownership?
    Ответ: the certain high-tech industries and military supplies are usually prohibited for foreign ownership. (?)
    4)what ar the negative consequences of the foreign investment restriction?
    Ответ: the negative consequences of the foreign investment restriction are often lost jobs and needed capital to other countries with more open economies.(?)

    2. Перевести на английский :
    1) внешняя торговля невозможна без свободы инвестиций .
    Ответ : foreign trade is impossible without the freedom of investment.(?)
    2) Свобода инвестиций включает возможность покупать недвижимость и предприятия за рубежом .
    Ответ: the freedom of investment includes the opportunity to buy real estate and companies abroad .(?)
    3) законы большинства стран запрещаешь продавать иностранным компаниям предприятия , производящие военную продукцию .
    Ответ : most countries have laws that prohibit to sell military supplies for foreign companies. (?)
    4)участие иностранных производителей часто делает продукцию предприятия более конкурентоспособной .
    Ответ: the participation of foreign producers often makes the company's products more competitive.(?)
    5) ограничения в области торговли и инвестиций могут быть губительными и для потребителей и для производителей .
    Ответ : reducing trade and investment can be disastrous for consumers and producers alike . (?)

    3. Соединить глаголы из столбика (а) с существительными из столбика (б) :
    To protect
    To erect
    To produce
    To use
    To cross
    To add up

    Trade barriers

    Ответ :
    To produce trade
    To protect economy
    To erect trade barriers
    To consume goods
    To cross borders
    To use services
    To add up currencies

    Ещё такой вопрос , как переводится последнее предложение в тексте? Очень смущает момент " often lost to other countries ..." ?

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