Инфинитив.Просьба помочь

  • Необходимо определить в какой грам. функции стоит инфинитив.
    1. We have been sent here to study English.
    2. The article to be translated is rather difficult.
    3. You are the second to answer at the examination.
    4. To live is to move.

  • Необходимо определить в какой грам. функции стоит инфинитив.
    1. We have been sent here to study English.=обстоятельство
    2. The article to be translated is rather difficult.=определение
    3. You are the second to answer at the examination.=определение
    4. To live is to move.=здесь два инфинитива первый=подлежащее волрой=именная часть сказуемого


  • Помогите указать залог по-английски и инфинитив основного глагола
    1.The farmers are building new houses for their families.
    2.Only 40 per cent of the last year's supply of potatoes has reached the storages by now.
    3.Serious crop diseases were caused by bacteria.
    4.the national average yields of various cereals are shown in Table 3.

  • Помогите указать залог по-английски и инфинитив основного глагола

    1.The farmers are building new houses for their families.---are building---PRESENT CONTINUOUS ACTIVE---to build.
    2.Only 40 per cent of the last year's supply of potatoes has reached the storages by now.---has reache---PRESENT PERFECT ACTIVE---to reach.
    3.Serious crop diseases were caused by bacteria.---were caused---PAST INDEFINITE PASSIVE---to cause.
    4.The national average yields of various cereals are shown in Table 3.---are shown---PRESENT INDEFINITE PASSIVE---to show.