Проверьте перевод предложения на английский.
# Ирина
А какие именно ошибки? не поможете исправить?
# Vitaly
Да взять, хотя бы, первое предложение. Конгресс не meets annually, а is annually held or convened. Далее, лучше будет сказать не where, а at which. Далее, почему are consider? Что это за время? Говорим просто consider или Look at. Наиболее важные вопросы---это не самые важные вопросы, поэтому говорим most important issues без определенного артикля. Наконец, related on Human Reproduction---неправильный предлог, надо related to... Это только по первому предложению.
Доработайте текст, но на этот раз постарайтесь все сделать сами, без помощи электронного переводчика. -
# Vitaly
Ирина, почему вы так долго думаете? Попробуем исправить авши неточности.
Every year a congress is held in one of the European countries, at which leading physicians and embryologists look at most important issues related to Human Reproduction. In June a regular congress was convened in Portugal with reproduction specialists, embryologists and geneticists from England, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium and many other countries being invited (or participating).
The event was also attended by such experts of the "............" fertility center as head physician Anna, reproduction specialist Larisa and embryologist Tatiana (лучше будет сказать Head physician Anna, reproduction specialist Larisa and embryologist Tatiana, leading experts of the "............" fertility center, also attended the evnt). -
# Ирина
Спасибо Вам большое. Не было времени ответить. Вот мой вариант исправления.
A congress is held annually in a selected European country at which leading physicians and embryologists discuss the most important issues in human reproduction. In June of this year the regular congress was organized in Portugal at wich were invited such experts as fertility specialists, embryologists and geneticists from England, Italy, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium. The event was also attended by experts of the "........" fertility center represented by Chief Physician Anna, fertility specialist Larisa, embryologist Tatiana.
The Congress scientific program included discussion a large number of issues devoted to clinical development and new techniques in the area of reproduction. Our specialists had a particular interest in the reports devoted to the issues of individualizing treatments and a choosing of ovarian stimulation protocols, monitoring the quality of embryology work, new promising areas in genetic research, selection of gametes and embryos. -
# Vitaly
Ну, что вам сказать? Если выбирать между ПЛОХО и ХОТЬ КАКОЙ-ТО ПЕРЕВОД, то, конечно, предпочтение нужно отдать второму.
# Ирина
Ясно) буду работать) Спасибо!
# Vitaly
The Congress scientific program included discussion a large number of issues devoted to clinical development and new techniques in the area of reproduction.---High on the agenda of the Congress scientific program (there) were discussions held on a large number of issues related to clinical development and new techniques in the area of reproduction.
Our specialists became particulalyr interested in the reports on the matters of individualized treatment and choice of (or choosing ovarian...) ovarian stimulation protocols, monitoring the quality of embryology process, new promising areas in genetic research, selection of gametes and embryos.