Анекдоты на английском языке
Собранные здесь анекдоты на английском сгруппированы по рубрикам, соответствующим тематике анекдотов. Каждому анекдоту Вы можете поставить свою оценку, которая учитывается в общем рейтинге анекдотов.
Лучшие анекдоты на английском:
- A helicopter was flying around above Seattle...
- The woman's secret
- Anybody Home?
- A serious condition
- There once was a young Irish woman who went to confession...
- It's not a big deal, but it feels good
- A blonde walks into the police department looking for a job...
- Good girls vs. Bad girls
- A perfect choice
- Two Tourists
- Camel
- The Barber Shop
- Two guys go hunting...
- Pet owners
- Homework
- Three guys are discussing women...
- Alphabet
- Nutrition Information
- Why does Peter Pan Fly?
- A bad day
- A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales...
- Why I Fired My Secretary
- Man v. cat
- A talking bird
- In comparision
- A definition of God
- A talking Frog
- Today we are niggers
- Three envelopes
- A doctor, an engineer, and a politician...
- A Duck walks into a bar...
- Will it hurt doctor?
- 5 drinks
- A robber was robbing a house...
Анекдоты по темам:
- Animal World (203)
- At Work (114)
- Blondes (162)
- Books (13)
- Celebrities (67)
- Children (178)
- Computer (53)
- Criminals (30)
- Drunks (56)
- Elderly (89)
- Ethnic (252)
- Food and Drink (27)
- Foreign (44)
- Historical Stuff (26)
- Lawers and Legal (79)
- Letters (16)
- Medicine (148)
- Men (142)
- Miscellaneous (233)
- Music (23)
- Ouch! (46)
- Politics (127)
- Practical Jokes (33)
- Relationships (385)
- Religion and Church (147)
- Roads and Driving (50)
- School and College (41)
- Science (25)
- Sex (340)
- Situations (191)
- Sports (32)
- Tests (13)
- Travel (38)
- War and Military (37)
- Women (100)